Saturday, April 18, 2015

Who is Eli Lilly?

From the early 1900’s through the 1950’s,
Eli Lilly marketed baby teething powders with Calomel.

However, many of these infants suffered horribly.  Doctors named the condition Acrodynia, or Pink Disease because it turns the hands and feet pink.

Many infants died from Pink Disease, and many were left with lifelong debilitating conditions.
In fact, so many children died that the American and British governments had to pass laws outlawing Calomel.

The chief ingredient in Calomel is mercuric chloride.

Eli Lilly has made Thimerosal since 1927.  Thimerosal is used in vaccines and antiseptic ointments, creams, jellies, sprays, nasal sprays, eye drops, and contact lens solutions.

Thimerosal contains mercury.  Mercury rarely remains un-bonded to other elements, readily bonding with sulfur in the human body.  Mercury is an extremely dangerous neurotoxin in any form.  Some of the major symptoms of mercury poisoning are anxiety and depression.  For anxiety and depression, doctors often prescribe antidepressants like Prozac.  Who do you think invented Prozac?  Eli Lilly?  YES! 

What is the 2nd most profitable classification of drugs for Eli Lilly?
Diabetes drugs of course.

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