Wednesday, January 6, 2016



The symptoms and diseases of lead poisoning are almost identical to mercury poisoning.  There exists much more current research on the toxicities of mercury than lead.  Let’s first talk about mercury, and then we will better understand lead poisoning, and the extremely dangerous synergy created between these two metals.  Even though their sources of poisoning may differ, the healing treatments for both of them require chelation therapy.  Millions of people have healed from heavy metal poisoning, but to prevent long-term permanent damage in children, we must act quickly. 

Mercury is currently a required dental filling for children and adults receiving social services.  American adults on average have nine mercury fillings, and the mercury in these fillings is NOT inert by any means. Heavy metals readily accumulate in living organisms, and when they combine with other heavy metals, they can be thousands of times more dangerous.  Anyone who has ingested Flint Michigan tap water may have long-term health consequences. Many of the developing brains, neurological systems, and organs of Flint Michigan’s children will be permanently damaged.

Let’s schedule very soon in Flint a screening of Randall Moore’s Film, Evidence of Harm.  Randall is an outstanding man.  We worked together in New York City to promote the NYC screening of the film.  This movie educates people on the dangers of heavy metal toxicities.  

I would also to reach out with my show and talks called Mercury 101.  We could have a kids day maybe at the same time as the screenings, this way parents can see the film.

Please go to this link.  Tell us what you think. 

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Saturday, January 2, 2016

Vaccinate 2016

What's wrong with this picture?  Can this really be happening?  It's a nightmare!