Wednesday, December 23, 2015


In Flint Michigan, state and local bureaucrats changed the source of the city’s water supply to that of the Flint River.  The acidity of the river water has leached lead, and other toxic chemicals from Flint’s aging water pipes. Residents complained about the brown colored, foul tasting, and smelling water, but these same bureaucrats denied the water was poisoned, and hid their knowledge of it.

Our healthcare system administers heavy metals like mercury in our teeth and vaccines.  Currently in the USA, mercury is a required dental filling for children and adults receiving social services.  American adults on average have nine mercury fillings, and the mercury in these fillings is NOT inert by any means.  Mercury is contained in ALL flu vaccines even if it is listed as ‘Thimerosal Free”.  Current law allows the industry to define “Thimerosal Free” as containing less than one microgram of mercury.  That means all flu vaccines can contain up to one microgram of mercury.

Heavy metals readily accumulate in living organisms, and when they combine with other heavy metals, they can be thousands of times more dangerous.  Anyone who has ingested this water may have long-term health consequences. Many of the developing brains, neurological systems, and organs of Flint Michigan’s children will be permanently altered.

Until ALL residents of Flint Michigan are thoroughly tested for heavy metal poisoning, it would be gross negligence for any healthcare professional to administer vaccines, and/or mercury dental implants.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Babies Love Needles

Tomorrow we start sticking you with needles, and injecting toxins into your body every couple of weeks, for ah, let’s say the next 5 years. OK?

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


causes loss of memory.
And a loss of memory means?  A loss of memories!
That’s why the mercury poisoned keep going back for more. 
We forget we were already poisoned by the healthcare system. 
The healthcare system says we need to take in poisons,
to stimulate the immune system to get the poison out,
and/or to prevent ourselves from being poisoned.