Wednesday, December 23, 2015


In Flint Michigan, state and local bureaucrats changed the source of the city’s water supply to that of the Flint River.  The acidity of the river water has leached lead, and other toxic chemicals from Flint’s aging water pipes. Residents complained about the brown colored, foul tasting, and smelling water, but these same bureaucrats denied the water was poisoned, and hid their knowledge of it.

Our healthcare system administers heavy metals like mercury in our teeth and vaccines.  Currently in the USA, mercury is a required dental filling for children and adults receiving social services.  American adults on average have nine mercury fillings, and the mercury in these fillings is NOT inert by any means.  Mercury is contained in ALL flu vaccines even if it is listed as ‘Thimerosal Free”.  Current law allows the industry to define “Thimerosal Free” as containing less than one microgram of mercury.  That means all flu vaccines can contain up to one microgram of mercury.

Heavy metals readily accumulate in living organisms, and when they combine with other heavy metals, they can be thousands of times more dangerous.  Anyone who has ingested this water may have long-term health consequences. Many of the developing brains, neurological systems, and organs of Flint Michigan’s children will be permanently altered.

Until ALL residents of Flint Michigan are thoroughly tested for heavy metal poisoning, it would be gross negligence for any healthcare professional to administer vaccines, and/or mercury dental implants.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Babies Love Needles

Tomorrow we start sticking you with needles, and injecting toxins into your body every couple of weeks, for ah, let’s say the next 5 years. OK?

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


causes loss of memory.
And a loss of memory means?  A loss of memories!
That’s why the mercury poisoned keep going back for more. 
We forget we were already poisoned by the healthcare system. 
The healthcare system says we need to take in poisons,
to stimulate the immune system to get the poison out,
and/or to prevent ourselves from being poisoned.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

VACCCINE Failures and Mercury Poisoning


If you click the links below I guarantee you won't be getting vaccinated any time soon.

Harvard Trained Immunologist Speaks About Vaccine Failures

Here is a report on the failings of vaccine manufacturer Sanofi Pasteur.
One of about 25 violations in the report.

“You failed to establish and follow appropriate written procedures designed to prevent microbiological contamination of drug products purporting to be sterile, including validation of all aseptic processes.”


Friday, November 13, 2015

Crystal Ball Flu Shots!

I had to take a screen shot of this.  Canadian News, believes going to a medium to predict the future is the right thing to do!

Dental Amalgams, Alzheimer's, and Mercury Study

Introduction:  The potential effects of amalgam fillings on the development of Alzheimer's disease (AD) are not well understood. The aim of the study was to evaluate the association between dental amalgam fillings and Alzheimer's disease in Taiwanese population aged 65 and older.

Methods: Data were retrieved from the Longitudinal Health Insurance Database (LHID 2005 and 2010).

The study enrolled 1,943,702 beneficiaries from the LHID database. After excluding death cases and individuals aged 65 and under, 207,587 enrollees were finally involved in the study.

Dental amalgam fillings are coded as 89001C, 89002C, 89003C, 89101C, 89102C, or 89103C in the national health insurance research database (NHIRD). Alzheimer's disease was diagnosed using the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) codes 331.0.

Results: Individuals exposed to amalgam fillings had higher risk of Alzheimer's disease (odds ratio, OR = 1.105, 95 % confidence interval, CI = 1.025-1.190) than their non-exposed counterparts.

Further analysis showed that the odds ratio of Ahlzheimer's disease was 1.07 (95 % CI = 0.962-1.196) in men and 1.132 (95 % CI = 1.022-1.254) in women.

Conclusions: Women who were exposed to amalgam fillings were 1.132 times more likely to have Alzheimer's disease than were their non-exposed counterparts.

Author: Yi-Hua SunOswald NforJing-Yang HuangYung-Po Liaw
Credits/Source: Alzheimer's Research &Therapy 2015, 7:65

EMF Waves and Pulses Release Mercury From Dental Amalgam

Increased Mercury Release from Dental Amalgam Restorations After Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields as a Potential Hazard for Hypersensitive People and Pregnant Women

"Based on these findings, as infants and children are more vulnerable to mercury exposures, and as some individuals are routinely exposed to different sources of electromagnetic fields, we possibly need a paradigm shift in evaluating the health effects of amalgam fillings."

Increased mercury release from dental amalgam restorations after exposure to electromagnetic fields as a potential hazard for hypersensitive people and pregnant women

Citation Information: Reviews on Environmental Health. ISSN (Online) 2191-0308, ISSN (Print) 0048-7554,DOI: 10.1515/reveh-2015-0017, November 2015
Ghazal Mortazavi1 / S.M.J. Mortazavi2, 3

1Tangestan Health Network, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran

2Ionizing and Non-ionizing Radiation Protection Research Center (INIRPRC), Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

3Medical Physics and Medical Engineering Department, School of Medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

Corresponding author: Professor S.M.J. Mortazavi, PhD, Medical Physics and Medical Engineering Department, School of Medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran, Phone: +98-711-2349332, Fax: +98-711-2349332/+98-711-2289113, E-mail: (email); and Ionizing and Non-ionizing Radiation Protection Research Center (INIRPRC), Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

Publication History
Received:2015-07-12Accepted:2015-10-03Published Online:2015-11-06


Over the past decades, the use of common sources of electromagnetic fields such as Wi-Fi routers and mobile phones has been increased enormously all over the world. There is ongoing concern that exposure to electromagnetic fields can lead to adverse health effects. It has recently been shown that even low doses of mercury are capable of causing toxicity. Therefore, efforts are initiated to phase down or eliminate the use of mercury amalgam in dental restorations. Increased release of mercury from dental amalgam restorations after exposure to electromagnetic fields such as those generated by MRI and mobile phones has been reported by our team and other researchers. We have recently shown that some of the papers which reported no increased release of mercury after MRI, may have some methodological errors. Although it was previously believed that the amount of mercury released from dental amalgam cannot be hazardous, new findings indicate that mercury, even at low doses, may cause toxicity. Based on recent epidemiological findings, it can be claimed that the safety of mercury released from dental amalgam fillings is questionable. Therefore, as some individuals tend to be hypersensitive to the toxic effects of mercury, regulatory authorities should re-assess the safety of exposure to electromagnetic fields in individuals with amalgam restorations. On the other hand, we have reported that increased mercury release after exposure to electromagnetic fields may be risky for the pregnant women. It is worth mentioning that as a strong positive correlation between maternal and cord blood mercury levels has been found in some studies, our findings regarding the effect of exposure to electromagnetic fields on the release of mercury from dental amalgam fillings lead us to this conclusion that pregnant women with dental amalgam fillings should limit their exposure to electromagnetic fields to prevent toxic effects of mercury in their fetuses. Based on these findings, as infants and children are more vulnerable to mercury exposures, and as some individuals are routinely exposed to different sources of electromagnetic fields, we possibly need a paradigm shift in evaluating the health effects of amalgam fillings.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Mercury Poisoned Lunatics

Levels of institutionalization for insanity are undeniably low compared to the 1950's.  Rhode Island has only 2% of those committed to institutions, that's a 98% drop accounting for population growth.

Why the difference?

In the 1950's the U.S. Government ordered the pharmaceutical industry to stop Direct-To-Consumer advertising.  The healthcare industry had become incredibly successful hooking the general populace on their mercury products.  Mercury can initially alleviate conditions that it causes, and then it comes back with a vengeance.  This is the history of Calomel in the Unites States of America going back to the early 1700's. 

The industry has lowered the dose of neurotoxins it doles out, but the number of doses of childhood vaccinations have skyrocketed.  We also can't dismiss other sources of mercury poisoning.  Mercury dental amalgams are the rule for those using social services, even for little children.  Add to this mercury from the following:

Today, in 20% of chlor-alkali plants across the United States, we still use the antiquated mercury cell Castner-Kellner process.  Rather than have the mercury be poured into the local water supply, these companies let their residual mercury contaminate the following products, caustic soda and chlorine.

Caustic soda is used to make the following products:
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Corn Syrup
Milled corn products

Chlorine is the other major product from this process.  After a heavy rain that extra-chlorinated smell from your municipal water supply means the company has added a good dose of chlorine, and it may be tainted with mercury.

Chlorine is also used to make bleach.  Clorox is a safe bleach to use because they do not use the Castner-Kellner process.  Many others are questionable.
Bleached products like paper towels, napkins, plates, etc.

Chlorine is where the
If we keep adding mercury back into our bodies at current rates, we are going to have a lot more than 1 in 64 people rating simply autistic.  We only have to look at Adam Lanza's Sandy Hook Massacre, or James Eagen Holmes's orchestrated tear gas and shooting spree during a midnight screening of The Dark Knight to see a rising insanity, like a tide we can't turn back.


These words excerpted from Jason Beaubien's NPR article Hg151110.  My comments are in RED. 
The Oral Polio Vaccine Can Go 'Feral,' But WHO Vows to Tame It

The number of vaccine-derived polio cases relative to the hundreds of millions of doses of oral polio vaccine administered each year is incredibly low. In 2014, there were 56 vaccine-derived cases reported globally. But 56 starts to sound like a lot when the number of regular polio cases has fallen to just a couple dozen a year.


So last month the World Health Organization announced the beginning of a program to phase out oral polio vaccine and eventually switch to the injectable version, which contains no live virus.


WHO is ordering every country still using oral polio vaccine to switch to a safer oral vaccine in April 2016. The first step in the WHO plan is to drop Type 2 polio virus from the new oral vaccine. Of the three types of virus in the vaccine, Type 2 accounts for roughly 90 percent of vaccine-derived paralysis cases. Type 2 itself has not been seen in the wild since 1999.


Vaccine Immunology World Health Organization Report

“To generate vaccine-mediated protection is a complex challenge.  Currently
available vaccines have largely been developed empirically, with little or no
understanding on how they activate the immune system. Their early protective efficacy is primarily conferred by the induction of antigen-specific anti-bodies.” 

This is a quote from the first paragraph of a report, Vaccine Immunology, by the World Health Organization!

Empirical evidence concerns observation or experience, rather than theory or pure logic.  This means that what many people are calling science is actually statistics. Scientists count the results and make a determination, a judgment, as to whether a vaccine is effective.

We do understand an injection with a ‘dead’ piece of virus and an adjuvant like mercury or aluminum creates an autoimmune response.  An organism won't have a reaction without the neurotoxin involved because the virus is dead. However, not every
human reacts the same way to a neurotoxin being injected into his or her veins.

Human activity has distributed many toxins throughout the world and our local environments.  We need to take into account an individual’s current health status, and toxic load, before administering a vaccination with additional toxins.  The WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION clearly states we have “little or no understanding on how they (vaccines) activate the immune system.”

There is a long history of mercury poisoning in modern medicine.  As recently as the 1950’s the pharmaceutical industry was ordered to stop poisoning so many people with mercury and calomel.  (Calomel is a mercury compound.) 
Today, the doses of mercury have been reduced, people aren’t normally falling over dead from one injection, but the level of health care problems requiring prescription drugs has skyrocketed.  However, the same companies that are doling out the vaccines are the ones benefiting from the healthcare industry's newly named ancillary diseases.  These aren't new diseases, they are simply new names for cases of toxic poisoning, primarily mercury.

Let’s work together to make sure everyone is safe to receive a vaccine before the vaccine is administered.

Who Is Eli Lilly?

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Vaccine Safety

“To generate vaccine-mediated protection is a complex challenge. Currently available vaccines have largely been developed empirically, with little or no understanding on how they activate the immune system. Their early protective efficacy is primarily conferred by the induction of antigen-specific anti-bodies.”    This is a quote from a World Health Organization 20 page report on vaccines:

Empirical evidence is concerned with observation or experience, rather than theory or pure logic. This means that what many people are calling science is actually statistics.  Scientists count the results and make a determination, a judgment, as to whether a vaccine is effective.

We do understand an injection with a ‘dead’ piece of virus and an adjuvant like mercury or aluminum creates an autoimmune response. An organism won't have a reaction without the neurotoxin involved because the virus is dead. However, not every human reacts the same way to a neurotoxin being injected into his or her veins.

Human activity has distributed many toxins throughout the world and our local environments. I believe that we should take into account genetics, current health status, and an individual’s current toxic load before adding more toxins into a human body.  

There is a long history of mercury poisoning in modern medicine. As recently as the 1950’s the pharmaceutical industry was ordered to stop poisoning so many people with mercury and calomel.  (Calomel is a mercury compound)  See

Let’s work together to make sure everyone is safe to receive a vaccine before the vaccine is administered.

How To Debate Science With Pro-Vaxxers

I made a comment on an article:

The healthcare system is clear they don't understand how vaccines work. We do understand an injection with a ‘dead’ piece of virus and an adjuvant like mercury or aluminum creates an autoimmune response. An organism won't have a reaction without the neurotoxin involved because the virus is dead. However, not every human reacts the same way to a neurotoxin being injected into his or her veins.

A provax respondent takes the bait:

Your first line is nonsense. How vaccines work is very well understood. To deny that is to deny a huge amount of science going back a couple of hundred years and more. In fact, how vaccines work is very well understood and very well established. Stop telling stories.

My rebuttal:

No, it is not well understood how they work. Here is an excerpt from the World Health Organization. You won't have to read far, it's the first thing they say in a 20 page report. I'll cut and paste it for you.

To generate vaccine-mediated protection is a complex challenge. Currently available vaccines have largely been developed empirically, with little or no understanding on how they activate the immune system. Their early protective efficacy is primarily conferred by the induction of antigen-specific anti-bodies.

Here is the definition of Empirical: based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic: they provided considerable empirical evidence to support their argument.

That means they're guessing. It's not science, it's statistics.
Oh, here's the link:

How to Debate Vaccination Culpability with Pro-Vaxxers

On January 7th, 2014, nine years after the fact, in the case of Karsen Steele Waters, the United States Court of Federal Claims made it's final decision.

The undersigned finds that there is not a preponderance of the evidence showing that Karsen’s injuries were caused or significantly aggravated by his February 19, 2005 vaccinations. Although Karsen’s vaccinations may have caused a low grade fever or otherwise triggered his first seizure on February 20, 2005, neither that initial seizure nor his vaccinations caused or significantly aggravated his Dravet syndrome and resulting neurological complications. Rather, his SCN1A genetic mutation is the sole cause of his injuries. For that reason, the undersigned finds by a preponderance of the evidence that respondent has provided an alternative cause of Karsen’s injuries, and, therefore, petitioners are not entitled to compensation.

This is how I debated a provaxxer in the comments of a recent pro-vaccination article.  The pro-vaxxer responds to the above:

What do you want me to say, Albert? That the courts made the wrong decision? Because it sounds to me like they made the right one. Dravet Syndrome is a genetic disorder.

My repsonse:
So your saying the health practitioner doesn't need to check for genetic weaknesses in people before they give them vaccines that might hurt them?  If the vaccine gives someone diabetes then that would be the injured persons problem because why?  Because they have a pancreas?  Perhaps there is no culpability for manufacturers that make toy parts which wedge in children's mouths and choke them to death.  Let the buyer beware!  That's a famous real estate saying.  Let's apply that to vaccines to.  Let the vaccinated beware!  15 hours after your receive a vaccine if you turn epileptic, that's your problem.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Mercury 101 Workshop

Do you get achey from the weather? You may be mercury toxic. 

Here is a quote from Richard Swiderski's "Calomel In America." In 1851 Dr Wooster Beach describes the swollen tongue, the lesions in the mouth of the habitual calomel consumer, so imbued with mercury that he had become a 'living barometer' responsive to all changes in the weather, 'great pain making the only difference.'

We are learning about mercury toxicity, and making game plans on how to change the future of medicine the world over.

Mercury 101 explains in easy to understand details drawn from historical facts, the uses and abuses of mercury, and how they continue to this day.

Did you know that mercury as a healthcare treatment spread just as fast as newborn diseases, during the middle ages? You will see that the roots of the modern day healthcare industry, and related U.S. government policies, are still dictated by mercury interests. Learn how mercury distribution, and redistribution in the human body is one of the most pressing medical issues of our day.

After you experience Mercury 101, you will agree that healthcare institutions and doctors alike must test the mercury toxicity of every patient. There is NO safe level of mercury in a healthy organism, even though official health organizations and those affiliated with them tell us otherwise.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Free Flu Shots, Potlaches, and Used Car Salesmen or The First One Is On The House!

When have you ever known someone to give you something for free?  Perhaps in a gifting environment like Burning Man you might get something for free, but Burning Man is based on principles like radical-self reliance.  Burning Man is the closest I have ever come to experiencing a full potlach, but the potlach was outlawed by the white establishment.  How can capitalism survive when faced with a system that gives everything away for free.

Potlatching was made illegal in Canada in 1884 in an amendment to the Indian Act and the United States in the late 19th century, largely at the urging of missionaries and government agents who considered it "a worse than useless custom" that was seen as wasteful, unproductive, and contrary to 'civilized values' of accumulation.

It's kind of like when a friend asks you, "Can you do me a big favor?"  And it turns out she wants you to hold her purse while she goes into the store.  Not so big is it?  But then your friend asks, "Can you do me a little favor?"  And it turns out to be something enormous, like drive the getaway car during a bank robbery.  So what would the warning be if the first one is on the house, "It's FREE!"
The warning is, you may be in the pocket of the dealer for a long time to come once you start down that road.

Please come out on Friday November 6th, you will learn a great deal about the history of mercury poisoning in modern day healthcare, and how you can safely chelate mercury from the body.


Saturday, October 31, 2015

Go Vaccinations!

By pressing the vaccination issue too hard, the PRO-VAXX crowd may push the pendulum in the opposite direction, creating a shift in social consciousness.  Perhaps they will wake up and see their ridiculous position in the mirror, 'vaccinate at all costs.'

GO VACCINES! has been made in honor of NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, who signed into law this week a requirement that all New York State 7th graders get meningitis shots.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Spinters Under the Fingernails

I keep trying to boil down the mercury debate to palatable doses, like an alchemist would with calomel.  I think I'm learning how to debate the PRO-VAXX camp’s position that “low levels of poisoning from Thimerosal couldn’t possibly poison anyone.”  Using this logic, let’s substitute wood for mercury. 
“The only way an individual couldn't function is if they have been hit over the head by a wood 4’x4’, and since splinters are so small, they couldn’t possibly affect a person's state of mind, even if they’ve been shoved underneath their fingernails.”

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Vaccine Quality Control

Let's talk about quality control. This week we have VW admitting they actually put programming into cars to lie about the carcinogenic byproducts of their diesel cars.  We also have an enormous peanut products manufacturer facing life in prison because when it came to Salmonella, he told his crew to "just ship it". 

The problem with the management oversight of the production of vaccines is there is no way to tell if the product that was just injected into the recipient had any quality control. The product is gone. Take a look at the CDC's own list of flu shots and their makers. In a google search type in any one of the following and checkout the numbers of lawsuits associated with the company or product.

GlaxoSmithKline - Fluarix Quadrivalent
ID Biomedical Corp - FluLaval Quadrivalent
Sanofi Pasteur - Fluzone Quadrivalent
Sanofi Pasteur - Fluzone Intradermal Quadrivalent
Afluria - BioCSL
Novartis - Fluvirin
Sanofi Pasteur - Fluzone
Novartis - Flucelvax
Protein Sciences - FluBlok
MedImmune - FluMist Quadrivalent

This is copied directly from the CDC's page,
Precautions*: Moderate to severe acute illness with or without fever; history of Guillain-Barré syndrome within 6 weeks of receipt of influenza vaccine.


As a footnote, Guillian Barre symptoms sound an awful lot like mercury poisoning.

We should have 0% mercury in our bodies, but through effective lobbying the restraint on distribution of mercury is growing more and more lax.  We have been down this road before.  DTC, direct to consumer advertising, was outlawed in the 1940's because so many babies were dying from acrodynia (pink disease, ie, mercury poisoning).  The drug companies had become very good at marketing products with mercury to the general public, products like teething powders, worm medicines, topical antiseptics.  

This is the same industry, the healthcare industry, that promotes vaccines with trace amounts of Thimerosal, or metal dental fillings.  Did you know that for those that use social services they are required to have mercury dental fillings with 50% mercury, or they have to pay out of pocket for cosmetic dentistry (the white fillings).  (Poisonous mercury is ok in your mouth, just not down the sewer lines.

Mercury is a horrendous neurotoxin and should always be accounted for with any kind of health issue.  If a person has cancer, the number of fillings in their mouth should be counted.  If a person needs antidepressants, again there should be a calculation as to the person's mercury load. 

Eli Lilly makes the Thimerosal (They also made baby teething powders with mercury) that is used as an adjuvant or preservative in many vaccines.  The body becomes inflamed as it tries to protect itself from neurotoxic mercury.  Inflammation makes people anxious, fearful and depressed.  Eli Lilly isn't making their money from giving a once a year flu shot, think 'free' at Target vaccines, they are making it because their number one selling class of drugs is antidepressants.  They invented Prozac!  After a few flu shots, mercury is bioaccumulative, they now have a customer for life, someone who needs their pills 3 or 4 times a day forever! 

Don't drink the Kool Aid!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Vaccines For Birds and Tylenol

Americans consume about 9 billion broiler chickens annually.  In a recent Avian Flu outbreak, 48 million birds were killed.  If we put this into percentages, this is less than 1/2 of 1% of all chickens in America were killed because of the flu.  Yet the USDA is going to stockpile flu vaccines for the birds even without their own internal approval.  USDA press release

Who is pulling the strings here?

Do we even know what is inside the vaccine?  How can we find this information?  Will the vaccines be injected into the birds? 

The major problem with vaccines is that their ingredients bypass the intestines.  The last thing anyone wants is neurotoxic mercury being shot directly into their bloodstream, or the bloodstream of an animal they're going to be eaten.  The mercury will be distributed throughout the chickens body.  The more chickens we eat, the more toxic mercury we accumulate.

I believe the Tylenol poisoning incident of 1982 was actually done at the Tylenol manufacturing plant, not by a serial-killer lunatic on the loose as described by the media.  It would take very little tampering from a maniacal employee to injure a lot of people when we're talking hundreds of thousands of vaccines being handled everyday.

"In 2011, Scott Bartz, a Johnson & Johnson whistle-blower and former employee, claimed the poisoned Tylenol had actually been tampered with somewhere along the repackaging and distribution links in Tylenol’s supply chain, rather than at retail locations."

Monday, August 10, 2015

Comparison of Mercury from Coal Burning and Dental Fillings

My comments on this article by Joseph Straley, 

Mercury much more dangerous in air than in teeth

Let's not forget the big picture here. Mercury poisoning from any source is egregious, especially when it is completely unnecessary. Some may say mercury in the air from coal burning is a necessary economic evil. However, because there exists a tradition of putting neurotoxic mercury into people's mouths does not mean that it should continue. On the contrary, with new safer fillings like porcelains and composites there is NO reason to expose anyone in the process of filling a tooth with toxic mercury, much less the end user, where the filling will leak into the persons body every second of every day, 365 days a year.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

New Jersey Children Given Wrong Vaccines

An audit found five South Jersey children were likely given the wrong immunizations during a Salem County-sponsored "Shots for Tots" clinic, health officials said. The most egregious error, officials said, was when a toddler boy was likely given an excessive dose of a cervical cancer vaccine.
The free clinic was operated by the Salem County Health Department at Memorial Hospital of Salem County in Mannington Township, officials said. It has since been shut down.

Officials reviewed 22 patient records during an annual audit and found irregularities with shots given to at least five children between July 2014 and June 2015.
A nurse was fired after officials learned a 2-year-old boy was injected with a high dose of Gardasil, the cervical cancer vaccine. The child's mother and pediatrician were notified late last month, officials said.

Shots for Tots Clinic: 5 out of 22 Kids Given Wrong Vaccination

[PHI] Shots for Tots Clinic: 5 out of 22 Kids Given Wrong Vaccination 
Several children in South Jersey were given the wrong vaccination shots and now officials are trying to ease parents' concerns. NBC10's Tim Furlong is in Salem County with the latest on the "Shots for Tots" clinic. (Published Monday, Jul 6, 2015)

Health officials are not sure whether the child would suffer negative effects, but said he may be at risk of neurological damage. Shots of the HPV vaccine are given to boys and girls starting at age 9.
The audit also found $20,000 worth of vaccines were not properly refrigerated. The drugs were thrown away.
Mandi Cassidy, the nurse who was fired, told NBC10 Salem County was throwing her under the bus. She insists she didn't make the mistake and resigned before the medical audit was even released. Cassidy claims the County is to blame. 

"I think they not only let down the residents of the county but they let down the nurse that should've been trained properly," she said. Officials say they will pay for the medical monitoring of the five children. 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Meningitis UK Vaccine Conspiracy

Over the years the cases of meningitis in the United Kingdom have been cut in half, but Britain will still become the first country in the world to start a national, publicly funded immunization drive against meningitis B.

From what I interpret there are less than a 1000 cases of meningitis a year in a country of 64 million people.  This means that a person has one chance in 64,000 of contracting meningitis.  It's unclear how many actually die.

However, it is clear that 3000 people in the UK die a year from drunk driving.

I wonder if we can get statistics on how many people a year in the UK claim to have been poisoned by mercury in vaccines and dental fillings.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Be Wary of Mainstream 'Scientific' Lies

Be extremely careful of the lies of sources like Wikipedia.

Cut and pasted from

Dietary sources:

Because methylmercury is formed in aquatic systems and because it is not readily eliminated from organisms it is biomagnified in aquatic food chains from bacteria, to plankton, through macroinvertebrates, to herbivorous fish and to piscivorous (fish-eating) fish.[8] At each step in the food chain, the concentration of methylmercury in the organism increases. The concentration of methylmercury in the top level aquatic predators can reach a level a million times higher than the level in the water.[8] This is because methylmercury has a half-life of about 72 days in aquatic organisms resulting in its bioaccumulation within these food chains. Organisms, including humans,[9] fish-eating birds, and fish-eating mammals such as otters and whales that consume fish from the top of the aquatic food chain receive the methylmercury that has accumulated through this process.[8] Fish and other aquatic species are the only significant source of human methylmercury exposure.[8] 

This last statement is false.

The problem with Mercury is that it binds with just about anything and everything and can easily change forms. This is why it's so dangerous. When a school has a broken thermometer they have to close it and scrub everything down. Otherwise it will come right off the walls where it's landed looking for a better binder and that tends to be sulfur based organsims.  It enters through the skin and when it finds materials with stronger bonds it changes forms.   If it comes in contact with the right kinds of bacteria inside the body it switches to the most deadly kind of mercury, methyl mercury.