Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Disneys Measles Bear

To those who say that measles is the trend, I tell them straight to their face, “You have your facts wrong, measles is not the trend, autism is the trend.  Children now have a 1 in 45 chance of growing up autistic.  Do you know anyone with a measles damaged child?”

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Fake Healthcare Science

Mercury Free Kids had added a new page called 'Fake Science.'  We effectively call the healthcare industry out for lying about science regarding poisoning from dental amalgams.  Big Pharma misuses the word science and instead should be using the word statistics.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Toxic Tylenol

For a list of products containing deadly acetaminophen

Tylenol may be the most dangerous over the counter medicine on the market today.  Tylenol contains acetaminophen, which inhibits body glutathione from expelling toxins, and has been proven to cause asthma, autism, neurodevelopmental disorders, liver failure, and the list goes on and on.  The healthy of our bodies is dependent upon eliminating toxins.  Throw Toxic Tylenol in the garbage where it belongs.

2006 DEATH
Three days prior to his death, the Dunson’s began treating their son with Infants’ Tylenol after he exhibited symptoms of what they believed to be a common cold, according to court documents.

The parents said they were not aware that the medication was more potent than regular Children’s Tylenol, even though the concentration of Infants’ Tylenol is three times that of Children’s Tylenol.

The Infants’ Tylenol box states that parents should seek the advice of a physician before giving the medication to children under the age of 2.

The couple said they did not contact their doctor before administering the medication because their doctor had recommended the drug in the past and they had used it with their four other children without any problems.

As Marquis grew more ill, the Dunsons administered two droppers of the medication every four hours. The baby should only have been given half a dropper of the drug as needed.

Three days after his parents began administering the drug, Marquis was rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead soon after he arrived.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Mercury Free Kids and The Danbury Shakes

Neeta and I worked very closely in producing our "Danbury Shakes" article, the history of Mad Hatter's disease and it's relationship with healthcare today.

Let us know what you think!

Here is an excerpt:

"The steaming orange fumes rose up into the air, condensed upon the ceilings, and then fell back down upon the workers, coloring their hair and skin orange, something akin to Johnny Depp’s portrayal of the Mad Hatter in Tim Burton’s Alice In Wonderland."

Monday, February 29, 2016

Science vs Statistics
The definition of the 'Scientific Method' requires the testing of a hypothesis.  Since very few variables in the real world can be controlled, results on human beings can NOT be tested.  How can we test if Freddy Fisherman, who is loaded up with methylmercury, will get ill from a vaccine containing an aluminum adjuvant?  What about 4 year old Timmy who puts his fingers in his mouth after playing in the garage where paints containing cadmium, cobalt and lead are stored, and there are two broken CFL light bulbs?  Can we scientifically test results for these variables?
Let’s substitute the word statistic (numerical data) for the incorrect use of the word science in the following testimonials on the ADA website.

The Alzheimer’s Association states:
"According to the best available SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE there is no relationship between silver dental fillings and Alzheimer's…”
Says who?  Are they telling us NO statistical evidence supports a relationship between mercury dental fillings and Alzheimer’s?  That would be a lie.

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society says:
"There is no SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE to connect the development of MS with mercury-based dental fillings.

Who collected the statistical data?  Did they include people who’s MS symptoms improved after having mercury fillings removed, or do they consider them statistical anomalies?

Lupus Foundation of America states:
"At the present time, we do not have any SCIENTIFIC DATA that indicates that dental fillings may act as a trigger of lupus.”

There is NO ‘scientific’ data?  They must mean statistical.  Where is the statistical data?  It shouldn’t be too much work for the Lupus foundation to ask people to say “Ahh” so their fillings can be counted when diagnosed for Lupus.  Perhaps they don’t want to know the statistics, that’s why they don’t have any.

If we substitute the word statistic for the word science in any bogus statement, we can tear their 'logic' apart.  Where did they get the numbers?  Who counted the statistics?  How did they count them?  Did they exclude injuries of people whom they turned into statistics?

The objectives of the ADA ‘testimony of others’ webpage and its writers is to put off people that might question their integrity by using he word science incorrectly. "You don't understand the SCIENCE," they say.  I say oh yes we do, "We understand the STATISTICS."

These charlatans are like squids that dirty up the water, making the writing unintelligible, in order to hide their profit-driven nefarious purpose.
Don’t let them do it.  Call the following organizations out on their misuse of the word science!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Addiction, Chelation, and Vaccination

I believe that my emotional volatility and anger addiction may be rooted in the volatility of my accumulated mercury.  Mercury is so prevalent in our society that mercury toxicity should be investigated first and foremost for people that suffer from any kind of addiction. 
I find that many people have a visceral reaction to the word chelate.  They understand the definition, but have predefined prejudices towards it, which has come from negative marketing by the allopathic-healthcare industry.  If the industry can turn your performing a simple practice that takes place outside of their profit-making infrastructure into something evil, they will do it.  The industry has successfully associated the word chelation intravenous quack medicine.  People want to believe the healthcare industry, but In the words of Mark Twain, it is much easier to get people to believe a lie than it is to get them to 'unbelieve' it.

Let's look at the word vaccination.  The word is so ingrained into our culture, that people believe in their heart of hearts that vaccinations are a good thing.  Vaccinations are just another mercury-based fraud, albeit a much more sophisticated one than the 1950's mercury-teething-powder scam which killed so many innocent children.  Upon application the mercury would calm the child, but when the mercury entered the baby's brain and nervous system hours after ingestion, the child would have what the industry itself calls an 'encephalitic scream.'  What was the healthcare industry's solution for the screaming child?  Unbelievably, they recommended feeding the child more teething powder.
This scheme cannot be relegated to the 'we didn't know it was dangerous department.'  Here is a quote from a Gilber Tyseens play written in the year 1727, almost 300 years ago, “They are very good, ensuring that the sick never have to fear disease again.  Because he(the doctor) will cure them fast with a lethal quicksilver; And the deceased cannot tell what was the cause of their death; And in this way Mercury cures all illnesses.”

The pharmaceutical industry has routinely poisoned people through the ages with mercury, and then only provides the drugs that treat the symptoms of the poisoning.  See

Vaccinations are a much more profitable and sophisticated scam with complicated chemical compounding, governmental support, paid for peer reviewed ‘scientific’ data, and multilevel marketing.

Their ruse is as follows.  The public needs ‘immunostimulants to prepare them for a coming virus'.  However, the only people getting sick are the ones who have taken the vaccine.  For example, let's consider the fact that Brazil's vaccination rate has skyrocketed in recent years to almost 100%.  However, there is also a surging incidence of Guillain-Barré Syndrome and the Zika virus amongst their population.  Guillain-Barré Syndrome has previously been associated with vaccinations.

Today, after a vaccine children often have an extremely high fever, end up screaming, and sometimes have permanent damage.  This is the same encephalitic scream as the children had who ingested mercury laced teething powder.

Did you know that you cannot sue a vaccine manufacturer for damages?  Vaccine manufacturers are the only industry protected by law from any liability for their actions.

If a person believes a vaccine has injured him/her, they have to process their claim through the NVICP (National Vaccine Injury Compensatiod Program.)  Why would a legitimate industry need insulation from lawsuits?

Since you cannot sue the manufacturer, there is no discovery of what the manufacturer is doing behind the scenes!  Even if the factory left them sitting in the sun, put 10 times the recommended dose in a vaccine, stripped off the labels of expired vaccines and put new ones on, or let mold or other unsanitary conditions taint their vaccines in their manufacturing plant, THEY CANNOT BE SUED!

I hope you can make it to Mercury 101 this Sunday from 2 to 4pm in New York City.
People have asked me why do I perform Mercury 101 in a sometimes funny and scary way.  I tell them that because of the seriousness of the subject, I can’t do it without finding some levity in it, but don’t worry, it’s very educational.

If you can’t make it this Sunday and want to stay informed, please send me an email so I can add you to my mailing list. 

In addition, I travel to do Mercury 101, so please let me know if you would like me to come to your community.

Here is what people are saying about MERCURY 101.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Whipped Butter - Mercury 101

Mercury 101 explains the science, sources, symptoms, and solutions to mercury poisoning.  It's a scary, hilarious, and educational experience.

Do you want to feel better with more energy than ever, everyday for the rest of your life? Attend Mercury 101 to get a common sense approach to understanding mercury poisoning and how it affects you.

Do you, a friend, or a loved one have an illness that can’t be ‘cured,’ but requires you eat pills everyday? Do you, a friend, or a loved one have ADD, Autism, chronic fatigue, diabetes, fibromyalgia, IBS, or Psoriasis, or an autoimmune disease like multiple sclerosis? Do you, a friend, or a loved one suffer from depression but don’t understand why?

If you answer yes to any part of the above questions, Mercury 101 is for you.

Mercury is in metal dental fillings, in vaccines,  light bulbs, toilet paper, soda (High Fructose Corn Syrup), fish, and and sheet rock from repurposed coal fly ash. Unrestrained use of super-toxic mercury is creating a healthcare epidemic of biblical proportions. I'm confident that after you experience Mercury 101, you will be joining me in my passionate journey to healing ourselves, society and the planet from mercury poisoning.

Healing from mercury poisoning requires consuming really GOOD fats?  A vegetarian or vegan can have a hard time getting healthy from Mercury Poisoning.

Here is what people are saying about MERCURY 101.
Here is the Facebook Event Page.
MercuryFreeKids event page:

I hope you can make it out to WHIPPED BUTTER! I promise to have really good cheese. 

Albert Wilking
Educating the public about mercury poisoning
with the goal of having all children mercury free by year 2020.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016



The symptoms and diseases of lead poisoning are almost identical to mercury poisoning.  There exists much more current research on the toxicities of mercury than lead.  Let’s first talk about mercury, and then we will better understand lead poisoning, and the extremely dangerous synergy created between these two metals.  Even though their sources of poisoning may differ, the healing treatments for both of them require chelation therapy.  Millions of people have healed from heavy metal poisoning, but to prevent long-term permanent damage in children, we must act quickly. 

Mercury is currently a required dental filling for children and adults receiving social services.  American adults on average have nine mercury fillings, and the mercury in these fillings is NOT inert by any means. Heavy metals readily accumulate in living organisms, and when they combine with other heavy metals, they can be thousands of times more dangerous.  Anyone who has ingested Flint Michigan tap water may have long-term health consequences. Many of the developing brains, neurological systems, and organs of Flint Michigan’s children will be permanently damaged.

Let’s schedule very soon in Flint a screening of Randall Moore’s Film, Evidence of Harm.  Randall is an outstanding man.  We worked together in New York City to promote the NYC screening of the film.  This movie educates people on the dangers of heavy metal toxicities.  

I would also to reach out with my show and talks called Mercury 101.  We could have a kids day maybe at the same time as the screenings, this way parents can see the film.

Please go to this link.  Tell us what you think. 

Please check out the current post on Facebook

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Vaccinate 2016

What's wrong with this picture?  Can this really be happening?  It's a nightmare!