Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Vaccine Immunology World Health Organization Report

“To generate vaccine-mediated protection is a complex challenge.  Currently
available vaccines have largely been developed empirically, with little or no
understanding on how they activate the immune system. Their early protective efficacy is primarily conferred by the induction of antigen-specific anti-bodies.” 

This is a quote from the first paragraph of a report, Vaccine Immunology, by the World Health Organization!

Empirical evidence concerns observation or experience, rather than theory or pure logic.  This means that what many people are calling science is actually statistics. Scientists count the results and make a determination, a judgment, as to whether a vaccine is effective.

We do understand an injection with a ‘dead’ piece of virus and an adjuvant like mercury or aluminum creates an autoimmune response.  An organism won't have a reaction without the neurotoxin involved because the virus is dead. However, not every
human reacts the same way to a neurotoxin being injected into his or her veins.

Human activity has distributed many toxins throughout the world and our local environments.  We need to take into account an individual’s current health status, and toxic load, before administering a vaccination with additional toxins.  The WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION clearly states we have “little or no understanding on how they (vaccines) activate the immune system.”

There is a long history of mercury poisoning in modern medicine.  As recently as the 1950’s the pharmaceutical industry was ordered to stop poisoning so many people with mercury and calomel.  (Calomel is a mercury compound.) 
Today, the doses of mercury have been reduced, people aren’t normally falling over dead from one injection, but the level of health care problems requiring prescription drugs has skyrocketed.  However, the same companies that are doling out the vaccines are the ones benefiting from the healthcare industry's newly named ancillary diseases.  These aren't new diseases, they are simply new names for cases of toxic poisoning, primarily mercury.

Let’s work together to make sure everyone is safe to receive a vaccine before the vaccine is administered.

Who Is Eli Lilly?  http://www.mercuryfreekids.org/eli-lilly/


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