While middle class consumers opt for mercury-free filling
materials, people in developing nations, low-income families,
minorities, military personnel, prisoners, and people with disabilities
are still subjected to amalgam. Racial minorities are more likely to
receive amalgam; for example, dentists place almost 25% more mercury
fillings in American Indian patients than in white patients. In his
testimony before Congress, former Virginia state NAACP president Emmitt
Carlton described this injustice as "choice for the rich, mercury for
the poor."
Excerpt of http://www.toxicteeth.org/
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Nick Cannon Mercury Poisoned!
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Mercury Poisoning From Interior Latex Paint
Editorial Note: Phenylmercuric acetate is routinely added by some
paint manufacturers to interior latex (water-based) paint as a
fungicide and bactericide to prolong the paint's shelf-life. EPA
permits interior latex paint to contain less than or equal to 300
ppm elemental mercury and exterior latex paint to contain less
than or equal to 2000 ppm. However, neither the presence nor the
concentration of mercury in the paint is required to be labeled
on the paint can. Mercury may not lawfully be used in oil-based
paint (1,2).
Cut and pasted from the below article.
Cut and pasted from the below article.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Lisa Marie Presley Mercury Poisoned
Excerpt from her Rolling Stone interview.
"My body started to deteriorate. I started to have panic attacks. I went through two years of baffling every doctor from East to West Coast. One week it was asthma . . . hypoglycemia . . . candida . . . reflux . . . I had everything. My gall bladder just. . . stopped working, and I had to get it taken out. This was when the tabloids said I tried to kill myself or something like that. We settled out of court. But anyway, I wound up in the hospital. I had everything happening; my body completely fell apart. And nobody knew what the hell was wrong with me." She was allergic to everything. "I had to eat chicken and broccoli for a year," she remembers. "I was absolutely falling apart, physically and emotionally, for a two-year period." At times she thought of death. "It was the constant physical breakdowns that were going on that I didn't understand."
"I really thought it. It was just non-stop. "Then she went to a homeopathic doctor, told him all her symptoms, and he asked her to open her mouth. He told her to get her fillings removed. "But once I started to get it out, it all stopped." (She now thinks her problems were caused by a mixture of mercury fillings and extreme stress.) "Mercury can make you go...crazy. That term 'mad as a hatter' comes from mercury: people working in felt factories and going crazy. They try to say mercury is safe, but it's the second-deadliest poison known to man, underneath plutonium, and it's in people's...teeth."
"My body started to deteriorate. I started to have panic attacks. I went through two years of baffling every doctor from East to West Coast. One week it was asthma . . . hypoglycemia . . . candida . . . reflux . . . I had everything. My gall bladder just. . . stopped working, and I had to get it taken out. This was when the tabloids said I tried to kill myself or something like that. We settled out of court. But anyway, I wound up in the hospital. I had everything happening; my body completely fell apart. And nobody knew what the hell was wrong with me." She was allergic to everything. "I had to eat chicken and broccoli for a year," she remembers. "I was absolutely falling apart, physically and emotionally, for a two-year period." At times she thought of death. "It was the constant physical breakdowns that were going on that I didn't understand."
"I really thought it. It was just non-stop. "Then she went to a homeopathic doctor, told him all her symptoms, and he asked her to open her mouth. He told her to get her fillings removed. "But once I started to get it out, it all stopped." (She now thinks her problems were caused by a mixture of mercury fillings and extreme stress.) "Mercury can make you go...crazy. That term 'mad as a hatter' comes from mercury: people working in felt factories and going crazy. They try to say mercury is safe, but it's the second-deadliest poison known to man, underneath plutonium, and it's in people's...teeth."
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Mercury Poisoning and Endometriosis
Amalgam fillings, nickel and gold crowns are major factors in reducing
pituitary function. Replacement of metals
in the mouth can normalize pituitary function and stabilize menstrual cycle problems, endometriosis, and increase
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Incredible Research of ALS vs Mercury Poisoning
Here is an excerpt from the research paper.
Due to the high daily mercury exposure and excretion into home and business sewers of those with amalgam, dental amalgam is also the largest source of the high levels of mercury found in all sewers and sewer sludge, and thus according to government studies a significant source of mercury in rivers, lakes, bays, fish, and crops(603). People also get significant exposure from vaccinations, fish, and dental office vapor(600).
The full paper may be read here:
Due to the high daily mercury exposure and excretion into home and business sewers of those with amalgam, dental amalgam is also the largest source of the high levels of mercury found in all sewers and sewer sludge, and thus according to government studies a significant source of mercury in rivers, lakes, bays, fish, and crops(603). People also get significant exposure from vaccinations, fish, and dental office vapor(600).
The full paper may be read here:
Friday, April 24, 2015
FDA Approves Fake Silver Dental Amalgams with 50% Mercury
Ask yourself this question, does the FDA state what level of Mercury Poisoning is safe in this article?
Here is a quote from their introduction.
Here is a quote from their introduction.
FDA Issues Final Regulation on Dental Amalgam
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today issued a final regulation classifying dental amalgam and its component parts – elemental mercury and a powder alloy—used in dental fillings. While elemental mercury has been associated with adverse health effects at high exposures, the levels released by dental amalgam fillings are not high enough to cause harm in patients.http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm173992.htm
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Julia Roberts Mercury Poisoned
Her current symptoms sound like Mercury Poisoning
'My GP hasn't confirmed it's post-polio syndrome yet, but I think I'm heading that way,' says Julia. 'I'm much more tired than I used to be and my left leg is thinner. If it gets any worse, I'll seek professional advice.'
'My GP hasn't confirmed it's post-polio syndrome yet, but I think I'm heading that way,' says Julia. 'I'm much more tired than I used to be and my left leg is thinner. If it gets any worse, I'll seek professional advice.'
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Mercury poisoning from amalgam fillings causes acne, dermatitis, psoriasis, and rosacea.
Any swelling or infection of the face may be caused by toxic mercury from leaking dental fillings. Silver amalgam fillings contain 50% toxic mercury. Treatment for the condition without removing the underlying cause will only be treating the symptom.
Acne rosacea is a common disorder affecting facial skin. Its most persistent feature is a bright red flush. People affected are usually in the 35-50 range of age, most are females, but severity is generally greater in males. Fair skinned people are more often affected.
Recurrent flushing and blushing is present and late in the disease the nose may be enlarged with thick red skin, a condition known as "rhinophyma." Enlargement of the nose is more common in males. Also, along with thicker skin, the oil glands of the face enlarge and are more active giving an oily appearance. Swelling of the face may be present along with stinging of the cheeks, forehead and ears.
A likely cause of acne rosacea, acne vulgaris, sebhorrheic dermatitis, perioral dermatitis is an overload of mercury, usually from dental amalgams, and Thimerasol in vaccines and/or cosmetics.
Unless the cause is identified and treated, this tends to be a chronic progressive disease which comes and goes and generally slowly increases.
For perioral dermatitis a course of doxycycline and topical erythromycin may help.
To chelate the underlying cause, the heavy-metal-bioaccumulative mercury out of our bodies, use the Andy Cutler protocol.
Acne rosacea is a common disorder affecting facial skin. Its most persistent feature is a bright red flush. People affected are usually in the 35-50 range of age, most are females, but severity is generally greater in males. Fair skinned people are more often affected.
Recurrent flushing and blushing is present and late in the disease the nose may be enlarged with thick red skin, a condition known as "rhinophyma." Enlargement of the nose is more common in males. Also, along with thicker skin, the oil glands of the face enlarge and are more active giving an oily appearance. Swelling of the face may be present along with stinging of the cheeks, forehead and ears.
A likely cause of acne rosacea, acne vulgaris, sebhorrheic dermatitis, perioral dermatitis is an overload of mercury, usually from dental amalgams, and Thimerasol in vaccines and/or cosmetics.
Unless the cause is identified and treated, this tends to be a chronic progressive disease which comes and goes and generally slowly increases.
For perioral dermatitis a course of doxycycline and topical erythromycin may help.
To chelate the underlying cause, the heavy-metal-bioaccumulative mercury out of our bodies, use the Andy Cutler protocol.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Kate Winslet Mercury Poisoned
Mercury poisoning may be the root cause of Kate Winslet's adult acne.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Jameela Jamil - Mercury Poisoned!
The UK Daily Mail won't directly admit that Jameela Jamil was poisoned by MERCURY, they instead run the headline:
Can mercury fillings really poison you or is it just a scare story? Jameela Jamil is convinced they triggered her health issues
A quote from the article:
" ... a review by the EU Commission's Scientific Committee in 2008 concluded there was no risk from amalgam, says Professor Damien Walmsley, the British Dental Association's scientific adviser."
So they are implying mercury in people's mouths is inert. That's a pretty broad statement. What if the mercury amalgam comes loose, what then? What if they eat really acidic foods, or constantly drink hot beverages that heats the mercury creating mercury vapors. Why don't they just chew on aluminum foil with mercury amalgam in their mouths if there is "no risk".
Watch the mercury eat away this aluminum I-beam.
The original article is here:
Can mercury fillings really poison you or is it just a scare story? Jameela Jamil is convinced they triggered her health issues
" ... a review by the EU Commission's Scientific Committee in 2008 concluded there was no risk from amalgam, says Professor Damien Walmsley, the British Dental Association's scientific adviser."
So they are implying mercury in people's mouths is inert. That's a pretty broad statement. What if the mercury amalgam comes loose, what then? What if they eat really acidic foods, or constantly drink hot beverages that heats the mercury creating mercury vapors. Why don't they just chew on aluminum foil with mercury amalgam in their mouths if there is "no risk".
Watch the mercury eat away this aluminum I-beam.
The original article is here:
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Tinnitus and Mercury Poisoning
I had tinnitus my entire life. I believe I was mercury poisoned prenatally. Not until I chelated for mercury did the tinnitus go away!
Excerpt from a great article by Barry Keate
Hearing Loss and Tinnitus
Of particular interest to people with hearing loss and tinnitus, researchers have linked mercury to hearing loss and multiple sclerosis. We know that hearing loss has a direct impact on tinnitus. This study involved seven women who had been diagnosed with MS. They underwent a standard hearing test then all their amalgam fillings were removed. Six to eight months later they retook the hearing test. Six of the seven had significant hearing improvement in the right ear and five of the seven had improvement in the left ear. Hearing improved an average of 8 dB. The researchers concluded that amalgam fillings may be a significant factor in hearing loss experienced by MS patients and could be a factor in hearing loss for others as well.
Here are excerpts from other blogs and comments.
I can confirm from personal experience that heavy metal poisioning can create the conditions necessary for some to contract Tinnitus.
I have medical and Dental records that confirm the day I got my first Mercury fillings as a teenager was the day I got my Tinnitus. Teenagers seem to be much more sensitive to Mercury then adults it seems.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Who is Eli Lilly?
From the early 1900’s through the 1950’s,
Eli Lilly marketed baby teething powders with Calomel.
However, many of these infants suffered horribly. Doctors named the condition Acrodynia, or Pink Disease because it turns the hands and feet pink.
Many infants died from Pink Disease, and many were left with lifelong debilitating conditions.
In fact, so many children died that the American and
British governments had to pass laws outlawing Calomel.
The chief ingredient in Calomel is mercuric chloride.
Eli Lilly has made Thimerosal since 1927. Thimerosal is used in vaccines and antiseptic
ointments, creams, jellies, sprays, nasal sprays, eye drops, and contact lens
Thimerosal contains mercury. Mercury rarely remains un-bonded to other elements, readily bonding with sulfur in the human body. Mercury is an extremely dangerous neurotoxin in any form. Some of the major symptoms of mercury poisoning are
anxiety and depression. For anxiety and depression, doctors often prescribe
antidepressants like Prozac. Who do you think invented Prozac? Eli Lilly? YES!
What is the 2nd most profitable classification of drugs for Eli Lilly?
Diabetes drugs of course.
Friday, April 17, 2015
Links Between Root Canals and Other Diseases
The Links between Root Canals and Other Diseases
One of the most common questions we get is “why don’t you believe in root canals?” For years we have talked about the links between root canals and all kinds of systemic health problems (including certain cancers). To drive the point home further, we have developed the following list of some of the most common bacteria found in root canals and the links between that bacteria and other diseases.Up to 400 percent more bacteria are found in the surrounding tissues of the root canal tooth than in the tooth itself, indicating that the dead tooth works as an incubator for bacteria that feed on the periodontal ligament where they mutate, grow in number and eventually invade the bone surrounding the root canal.This is just a PARTIAL list and by no means is meant to be considered all-inclusive.
Growing Evidence of Bacteria Commonly Found in Root Canal Cavitations
Bacteria can be identified using DNA analysis, whether they’re dead or alive, by looking at their DNA signatures. The Toxic Element Research Foundation (TERF) used DNA analysis to examine root canal teeth, and they found bacterial contamination in 100% of the samples tested. They were able to identify more than 40 different species of anaerobic bacteria in each sample. In cavitations, 67 different bacteria were identified among the 85 samples tested, with 19 to 53 types of bacteria each individual sample.Examples of the many diseases that have been associated with the bacterium discovered hidden within dental procedures are MS, ALS, AD, leukemia and diabetes. With proper dental treatment and recognition of these sources of toxins and their eradication, many patients can be improved, and clearly most could have been avoided entirely.
The bacteria found by clinical tests conducted by both TERF and independent laboratories reveal the following most types present in root canals and cavitations:
- Acinetobacter baumanii – linked to Pneumonia and Periodontal disease
- Gemella morbillorum – linked to invasive endocarditis, Meningitis & Arthritis
- Klebsiella – linked to pneumonia Lung infections, infections of the Urinary Tract, biliary tract & Osteomyelitis & Meningitis
- Porphyromonas gingivalis – Protein metabolism, Biofilms, leads to Bone destruction and Premature labor
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa – linked to Central Nervous System disorders, Endocarditis, Brain abscesses & increase in liver enzymes, Prosthetic heart valve invasion
- Streptococcus mitis – found in Strep Throat, Scarlet fever and linked to heart failure –
- Rhpumatir fpvpr– known to affect the heart, nerves, kidneys, brain, and sinus cavities.
- Capnocytophagaochraceavi – known to affect the heart, nerves, kidneys, brain, and sinus cavities.
- Fusobacteriumnucleatumvii – known to affect the heart, nerves, kidneys, brain, and sinus cavities.
- Leptotrichiabuccalis – known to affect the heart, nerves, kidneys, brain, and sinus cavities.
- Porphyromonas gingivalis ix – known to affect the heart, nerves, kidneys, brain, and sinus cavities.
- Veillonella parvula – pathology associated with heart disease and destruction of the Central Nervous System.
- Candida albicans – as it changes from yeast to the fungal state, it becomes invasive, causing small holes to occur in the intestinal tract resulting in „leaky gut syndrome?. Also increases porphyrin excretion in urine leading to reduced ATP and heme formation, thus reducing overall energy to cells of the nervous system.
- Capnocytophaga ochracea – can cause frontal lobe brain abscesses – associated with dental infections and diseases of the Central Nervous System
- Porphyromas gingivalis – alters the integrity of endothelium of blood vessels. Enhances atherosclerosis.
- Actinomyces naeslundii –associated with draining sinuses (generally clear up within a week of root canals and cavitation treatment)
- Candida albicans –associated with ALS
- Capnocytophaga ochracea –frontal lobe brain abscesses of dental origin – microbe thought to originate in dental decay.
- Gemella morbillorum –associated with meningitis.
- Neisseria meningitides –associated with seizures.
- Escherichia coli –and Staph aureus –are both capable of increasing porphyrins, which will cause less ATP to be available to neural tissues.
- Streptococcus intermedius –Cervical spinal cord abscesses –associated with high mortality and neurologic morbidity.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Hair Analysis
New York State has made it illegal to do a hair test analysis. Even doctors can not order the test. Why would this be?
Here is their reasoning:
seeks to ensure the accuracy and reliability of results of laboratory tests on specimens obtained within the state through on-site inspections, proficiency testing and evaluation of the qualifications of personnel of state permit-holding clinical laboratories and blood banks. The proper performance of diagnostic laboratory tests is a matter of vital concern, affecting the public health, safety and welfare of all NYS residents. Clinical laboratories and blood banks provide essential public health services in aiding the medical practitioner by furnishing information invaluable in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. Substandard performance of such tests may and has contributed to erroneous diagnoses and/or the selection of inappropriate treatment protocols.2
This is excerpted from this article:
We understand that Complete Nutrition and Wellness in NJ can order the test. Here is their web site.
Here is their reasoning:
seeks to ensure the accuracy and reliability of results of laboratory tests on specimens obtained within the state through on-site inspections, proficiency testing and evaluation of the qualifications of personnel of state permit-holding clinical laboratories and blood banks. The proper performance of diagnostic laboratory tests is a matter of vital concern, affecting the public health, safety and welfare of all NYS residents. Clinical laboratories and blood banks provide essential public health services in aiding the medical practitioner by furnishing information invaluable in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. Substandard performance of such tests may and has contributed to erroneous diagnoses and/or the selection of inappropriate treatment protocols.2
This is excerpted from this article:
We understand that Complete Nutrition and Wellness in NJ can order the test. Here is their web site.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Eric's Journal of Mercury Chelation
For those of us who have chelated without keeping a great journal, Eric's notes of his experiences are encouraging. My experiences chelating are almost identical.
Eric's timeline of chelation:
Lessons learned:
Eric's timeline of chelation:
Lessons learned:
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Celiac Disease and Amalgam Fillings
An Italian research team has found a strong correlation between Celiac Disease and mercury poisoning!
Thank goodness for independent research!
Center for the Prevention and Diagnosis of Celiac Disease, Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Unit, Fondazione
Thank goodness for independent research!
Center for the Prevention and Diagnosis of Celiac Disease, Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Unit, Fondazione
Monday, April 13, 2015
Dan Burton Speech to Congress
Updated January 31, 2009 On May 8, 2003 I attended the hearings in Washington D.C. conducted by Congressman Dan Burton R-Indiana) and Congresswoman Diane Watson (D-California). These hearings were part of the Committee on Government Reform, Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness, a Subcommittee Hearing entitled "Consumer Choice and Implementing Full disclosure in Dentistry." This was the second hearing on dental mercury. The first hearing of the Government Reform Committee, "Mercury in Dental amalgams: An Examination of the Science" was held November 14, 2002. You can access transcripts of the 2002 hearings at the Government Printing office website. The link to http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CHRG-107hhrg10784699/pdf/CHRG-107hhrg10784699.pdf is below. Mercury in Dental Amalgams: An Examination of the Science Burton said his commitee started doing this investigation into mercury in 1999 when he started examining the use of mercury [thimerosal] in baby vaccines. He said this was a "no win situation for the child and family," because the state mandates shots for the child before going to school. Burton said his grandson Christian became profoundly autistic overnight. He developed autism at the age of 18 months after taking the MMR vaccine and other shots. (The MMR does not contain mercury.) Burton said that his grandson received nine vaccines that day and six of them contained mercury. (In a former SafeMinds.org article, his granddaughter Burton said, also had a close encounter with death due to the Hepatitis B vaccine.) Burton said the incidence of autism used to be 1 in 10,000 twenty years ago, but now was 1 in 250. Congressman Burton vowed, "We are not going away. We are going to keep on collecting evidence and holding hearings. Then we are going to publish the evidence. What I want to know is why can't the the NIH and the ADA find a connection between mercury and health effects? Sweden found 700 credible papers about the harmful effects of mercury, but the NIH and the ADA can't find one." This following is the statement released by Congressman Burton previous to the hearings. He read from this statement on May 8th. Congress of the United States House of Representatives Committee on Government Reform 2157 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515-6143 TOM DAVIS, VIRGINIA (CHAIRMAN) HENRY A. WAXMAN, CALIFORNIA (RANKING MINORITY MEMBER) Majority (202)225-5074 Minority (202) 225-5051
The Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness will hold an oversight hearing on Thursday, May 8, 2003 in 2154 Rayburn House Office Building at 2 PM, entitled, "Consumer Choice and Implementing Full Disclosure in Dentistry." BACKGROUND The Subcommittee is continuing an investigation into medical and dental exposures to mercury that was initiated by the full Government Reform committee during the 107th congress. Previously, the Committee reviewed concerns about thimerosal in vaccines and its links to developmental, speech, and language delays. It also examined mercury in dental amalgams and their health implications. This hearing will focus primarily upon new information relating to possible health implications of mercury in the human body, and upon disclosing adequate information to patients to enable them to make informed choices about the type of dental restorative material that is used in their treatment. Mercury is one of the most toxic minerals found in nature, second only to radioactive materials. Dental amalgam consists of a mixture of powdered metals (alloy) and liquid mercury, with mercury constituting 50 percent or slightly more of the amalgam by weight. After the ingredients are mixed and inserted into a cavity, the mixture quickly hardens. For many years it was thought that after amalgamation, the mercury was permanently bound to the other ingredients and was rendered inert. However, during the last 30 plus years, scientists have come to realize that small amounts of mercury continuously leach from amalgams, and that the leaching may go on for many years. It should be noted that mercury is an element. It cannot be broken down or changed into a different substance. Whether in its vapor, liquid, or solid form, mercury is still mercury. The human body does not have an effective filter or elimination system for mercury, since it is a substance that humans were not designed to ingest. Moreover, mercury in the human body accumulates over time. The most common sources of human mercury toxicity are through vaccinations, dental amalgams, and fish consumption. Unfortunately, most of the Federal government's attention seems to have been focused on the hazards of fish consumption, rather than on the hazards of vaccinations and amalgams. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and many state government agencies have issued frequent warnings that vulnerable populations, such as pregnant and lactating women and young children, should limit their consumption of fish from mercury-polluted waters. Those warnings are entirely appropriate. But United States government agencies seem to have been far less vigilant in their efforts to examine the health implications of mercury-containing vaccinations and amalgams, in spite of growing evidence that those sources of mercury may contribute to a substantial array of tragic problems, and very likely add more mercury burden to the average American body than any other source. Mercury toxicity has been linked to tremors, attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, Alzheimer's disease (AD), cardiovascular problems, fertility problems, impairment of kidney function, impairment of the immune system, impairment of fetal development, modest declines in intelligence quotient (IQ), and death. Mercury is especially neurotoxic to the development brains of fetuses and young children. Mercury from mothers is passed through the placenta to the unborn baby, and some of that mercury may accumulate in the brain. After birth, breast-feeding can continue the bioaccumulation process. Neurological development continues through all of the first decade of life and well into the second decade. That is why various health warnings reference children age 14 and under. Regardless of the source, neurological and renal problems can result from mercury in human cells. When speaking of the health consequences of mercury in the environment on May 1, 2003 in the Dirksen Senate Office Building, noted pediatrician Dr. Katherine Shea, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.A.P. said: "All forms of mercury are toxic. It is a poison in all of its forms. There is no good mercury." 1 In response to a question she went on to explain that mercury damage lasts a lifetime. She stated: "You can't take a pill and fix it."2 A January of 2003 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that 1 in 12 women of childbearing age has mercury levels above the EPA-safe threshold of 5.8 parts per million in their blood. That could put as many as 320,000 newborns at risk of neurological effects from being exposed in utero.3 A study by the National Research Council Committee on the Toxicological Effects of Methylmercury reviewed the epidemiological and toxicology literature up to the year 2000. The report came up with the much lower estimate that 60,000 U. S. newborns annually are at risk for neurodevelopmental effects due to in utero mercury exposure. Whether the number is 60,000 or 320,000 or some number in between, that is a tragic number of babies to put at risk, especially since most of that risk can be avoided. Some recent developments are noteworthy. The FDA has decided to adopt the EPA reference dose for mercury body burden-the theoretical amount that the typical person con tolerate without any discernable harm. That represents a four-fold decrease in the FDA estimate. The Swedish Dental Material Commission released a report last week authored by Dr. Maths Berlin, Ph. D., who was the former Chair of the World Health Organization (WHO) International project on Chemical Safety. The report entitled "Mercury in Dental-Filling Materials-An Updated Risk Analysis in Environmental Medical Terms" involved a review of 936 scientific papers, of which just over 700 were deemed to be credible. All of the papers were recent, having been published between 1997 through 2002. Among other things, the report indicated that previous estimates of a safety margin of mercury in the human body were wrong-harm may occur in vulnerable individuals at much lower levels than previously thought. A conclusion of the report stated: "With reference to the fact that mercury is a multipotent toxin with effects on several levels of the biochemical dynamics of the cell, amalgam must be considered to be an unsuitable material for dental restoration. This is especially true since fully adequate and less toxic alternatives are available." 4 The report also states: "With reference to the risk of inhibiting influence on the growing brain, it is not compatible with science and tested experience to use amalgam fillings in children and fertile women." 5 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced in April, 2003, that lead may impair children's intelligence at far lower levels of exposure than those in current Federal health guidelines, meaning that potentially millions of additional U. S. children than was previously thought may have lower IQs from ingesting contaminated dust. A study conducted by Dr. Mark Geier, which was published in the peer-reviewed Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, concludes that there has been a documented increase in neurodevelopmental disorders following the use of vaccines containing thimerosal. According to Dr. Geier: "The amount of mercury in thimerosal in childhood vaccines far exceeds Federal safety guidelines...A causal relationship between childhood vaccines containing thimerosal and neurodevelopmental disorders and heart disease appears to be confirmed." Independent research conducted by Dr. Boyd Haley and Dr. James Adams indicated that autistic children represent a subpopulation that cannot effectively excrete mercury from their bodies, and are therefore very susceptible to the toxic methyl-mercury exposure presented during routine childhood vaccinations. More has been learned about the synergistic effects that can result when multiple heavy metals, such as both lead and mercury, are ingested by the same person. That subject will be covered more in-depth in the Subcommittee hearing. A recent court order in California requires implementation of a Proposition 65 warning, to be prominently posted in dental clinics with more than 9 employees. It states: "Amalgam, used in many dental fillings, causes exposure to mercury, a chemical known to the state of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. Root canal treatments and restorations, including fillings, crowns and bridges, use chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has studies the situation and approved for use all dental restorative materials. Consult your dentist to determine which materials are appropriate for your treatment." Proposition 65 was adopted by the voters of California in 1986, but it took 17 years to implement in dental offices, and that happened only as a result of a successful lawsuit. California's "Watson Law" (1992) still has not been implemented. It requires the California Dental Board to prepare and distribute a fact sheet about the risks and efficacies of dental fillings. When the board still had not complied in 2001, nine years after enactment of the law, the public outcry led the legislature to shut down the board and create a new one. The new board held hearings on the safety of mercury-containing fillings in 2002, but once again has bogged down as the California Dental Association argues against effective disclosure of risks. There have been major disagreements as to whether state dental boards impose a so called "Gag Rule" on dentist that prohibits them from initiating conversations with patients about the potential removal of amalgams. Although the ADA denies that there is such a rule, many dentist say that is very real and is strictly enforced by state dental boards. Mercury-free dentists contend that they cannot compete openly, as they are not allowed to advertise that they offer "mercury-free" fillings. The "Gag Rule" that inhibits dentists from discussing the potential health risks of amalgam was first inserted into the ADA Code of Ethics while an ADA subsidiary held the patent on amalgam. This raises strong First Amendment issues, and the Attorneys General of Iowa, Oregon, and Minnesota have ruled that the ADA gag rule may not be enforced in their states. Amalgams typically are referred to as "Silver" fillings. While they are silver in color, and there is some silver in the alloy portion of the amalgam, the name obscures the fact that "silver" fillings are 50% or more mercury. The first state that successfully passed a full disclosure law and properly implemented it is Maine. Former State Senate president, present-day Congressman Michael Michaud (ME-02), wrote a disclosure statute in 2001, then oversaw its implementation by the Maine Department of health in 2002. A booklet designed for dental patients advises consumers that the main ingredient of amalgam fillings is mercury, and that it has potential health risks and significant environmental consequences. Proposition 65, the so-called "Gag Rule," and informed consent will be discussed at the Subcommittee hearing. Finally, there is considerable concern about economically-disadvantaged persons for whom no dental choice exists. For most families on Medicaid, the choice is "mercury fillings or no fillings at all" in their teeth. Many moderate-income consumers face almost as bad a situation. Insurance often covers only mercury fillings, forcing those who cannot afford to pay out-of-pocket to accept mercury in their mouths. In view of recent advances in science, it is time to fully inform the American public about the risks, as well as the benefits, of various dental restorative materials. It also may be time to move on to safer alternatives. Legislation During the 107th Congress, Ms. Watson of California (for herself and Mr. Burton of Indiana) introduced H.R. 4163, the Mercury in Dental Filling Disclosure and Prohibition Act, also referred to as the Watson-Burton Bill. This bill was designed to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to ban mercury-containing amalgams intended for use in dental fillings effective January 1, 2007. A transitional provision also would have required a label that disclosed: "Dental amalgam contains approximately 50 percent mercury, a highly toxic element. Such product should not be administered to children less than 18 years of age, pregnant women, or lactating women. Such product should not be administered go any consumer without a warning that he product contains mercury, which is a highly toxic element, and therefore poses health risks." (Editor's note: A revised version of the bill, HR 1680, was reintroduced in the 108th Congress. In the 109th Congress HR 4011 was reintroduced with many added sponsorers. HR 4011 also includes environmental issues that are related to the use of dental amalgam. HR 4011 can be read at http://thomas.loc.gov The name of the bill remains the same-"Mercury in Dental Filling Disclosure and Prohibition Act." Type in HR 4011 to see the bill. (January 2009 editor's note) HR 4011 is no longer the number of the bill as it changes with each new session of Congress. One of the best ways to keep up with the newest number is to go to the Library of Congress website (http://thomas.loc.gov) that I linked to above, and type in the search box "mercury." If you do an advanced search and put Congresswoman Diane Watson from California as one of the sponsors, you will most likely find the latest legislation or resolutions concerning dental mercury. 1 Response to a question at The Environment & Health Forumm presentation in the Dirksen Senate Office Building on May 1, 2003 entitled, "Public Health Implications of Mercury: Protecting the Health of Children and Other Vulnerable Populations." 2 Ibid. 3 Centers for Disease Control, January 2003, Second National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals. 4 Mercury in Dental_Filling materials_An Updated Risk Analysis in Environmental Medical Terms, by Maths Berlin, The Dental Material Commission of Sweden. 5 Ibid. Witnesses Panel One Dr. Fritz Lorscheider, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Medial Physiology & Biophysics University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Dr. Boyd Haley, Ph. D., Professor and Chair, Department of Chemistry University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY Dr. Maths Berlin, Professor Emeritus, Environmental Medicine University of Lund, Sweden and Past Chair, Internation Project of Chemical Safety, World Health Organization Dr. Frederick C. Eichmiller, D.D.S., Director, American Dental Association Health Foundation | Paffenbarger Research Center, National Bureau of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, MD Panel Two Sandra Duffy, Esq., Founding member, Consumers of Dental Choice Northwest Lake Oswego, OR Congressman Mike Michaud (ME-02) Member of Congress, Second district of Maine Dr. Chester Yokoyama, D.D.S., Member, Dental Board of California Los Angeles Mr. Emmitt Carlton, Immediate Past President, Alexandria Virginia Chapter, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Alexandria, VA |
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Eye Problems and Mercury
Eye problems related to mercury. B Windham(ed)
Studies document that mercury and similar toxic metals accumulate
in endothelial cells such as those in the eye retina, cornea, and macula depleting
glutathione and lipoate by binding to thiols; these are needed to counteract free radicals caused
by such as toxic metals that damage the endothelial layers of the the retina, cornea and macula, as major factors in such conditions(see Pub Med abstracts of studies). Such free radicals generated have been found
to cause cataracts and such conditions that can be prevented, slowed, and even
reversed to some degree by detox and antioxidant eye
drops (according to studies). Mercurialentis (brown discoloration of anterior capsule of
eye lens- caused by mercury, is documented in medical texts as the first sign
of mercury toxicity: It is an indicator
and early sign of further eye damage. Cataracts, retinitis pigmentosa,
iritis, color vision problems, and other eye conditions
are documented to commonly be caused by mercury/metals toxicity.
Medical Dictionary, www.medilexicon.com/medicaldictionary.php
It is commonly caused by systemic poisoning from absorption
of mercury vapor through the respiratory tract or through the gastrointestinal
tract: www.llnl.gov/es_and_h/hsm/supplement_21.11/inorg.html
From my experience I know of 5 eye problems related
to mercury. There are probablymore. One eye problem mercury causes is chronic iritis‑ I don't know much about that but it’s
documented in the medical literature and someone else I know had it. Another is color vision; that’s also
documented in the medical literature and several I know have had color vision
improve after amalgam removal, including me.
have Fuch's disease(clouding
of cornea caused by deterioration/ glumping of
endothelial cells in the cornea. Aggressive form of
cataracts. Animal studies and in
vitro studies have shown mercury causes similar damage to endothelial cells in
various parts of the body due to deterioration and free radical effects. Since having my amalgams removed over the
last 2 years, my opthamologist says that the
deterioration of the endothelial layer of my corneas has slowed considerably
compared to 2 years ago. My vision has
also improved so much that I cannot see at all through my glasses that I got 4
years ago. My optomitrist
who did the glasses and reexamined me was really surprised, said my vision had
improved almost 50%. I no longer wear
eye problem related to mercury is dry eyes.
Several clinics have had success with improvements after amalgam replacement. The other eye problem known to sometimes
be related to mercury is macula degeneration.
The buildup of mercury in the eye is similar to in Fuch’s,
etc. and causes clouding and degeneration.
Someone I know says a relative got better after amalgam
replacement. The following are a few
abstracts or references I’m aware of.
(B Windham)
is where one eye moves freely of the other, either inwardly or outwardly to focus
independently. This condition, which was present at an early age in my now
5 year old, was quickly corrected by
supplementing the RDA of vit A in cis
form and cutting out all other vit A sources (Megson protocol).
Pupil dilation was
always a factor in him too. Interestingly, his pupils reacted normally
within the first two doses of DMSA he ever received, but the dilation returned post-round. After 5 months of
chelation, I see VERY normal eye function, with normal
pupil reactivity for the most part. I
believe the dilation is a symptom of mercury toxicity. *************
poor accomodative function (focussing)
and convergence insufficiency - which if severe is strabismus - are
characteristic of mercury poisoning. They are all due to a mild, symmetrical
impairment of the third cranial nerve. Since this nerve connects to the brain
right next to the hypothalamus, where mercury is known to concentrate,
A. Cutler, (see his web site)
macular degenerationDegeneration of the
macula lutea of the eye. Often
caused by free radical or oxidation damage. www.nutritionfocus.com/nutrition_supplementation/glossary/GlossaryM.html
The first
symptom I had of mercury toxicity was double vision, then drooping eyelids. I
also had floaters for years and bright lights blinded me. When I was 42 my keen
eyesight started to go and I had to wear glasses to sew or read. By the time
1998 rolled around I was wearing 250 magnifying glasses. Within a short period
of time after amalgam removal I no longer needed reading glasses, and today I
do not wear glasses and am able to read any size print.
However, I still have very slight double
vision to the extreme right and left, I don't have
floaters any longer but still have some sensitivity to bright lights.
Freya Koss, Frekoss@aol.com
has been found to be a factor in retinitis pigmentosa
and retina degeneration.
Olynyk F,
Sharpe DH; Mercury poisoning in paper pica, New Eng J Med, 1982, Apr 29:
306(17):1056-57; & Uchino M, Tanaka Y, Ando M, et al; Neurologic
features of chronic minamata disease(organic mercury poisoning)
J Environ Sci Health B 1995, Sep; 30(5): 699-715.
of elements in the human retnal pigment epitheliaum; Arch Ophthalmol,
1990, Jan; 108(1):113-117; Ulshafer RJ, Allen CB,
Rubin ML.
Transport of thiol-conjugates of inorganic mercury in human retinal
pigment epithelial cells, Bridges CC,
Battle JR, Zalups RK. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2007 Jun 1;221(2):251-60. Epub 2007 Mar 23
Division of Basic
Medical Sciences, Mercer University School of Medicine, Macon, GA 31207, USA.
Inorganic mercury (Hg(2+))
is a prevalent environmental contaminant to which exposure to can damage rod photoreceptor cells and
compromise scotopic vision. The retinal pigment
epithelium (RPE) likely plays a role in the ocular toxicity associated with Hg(2+) exposure in that it mediates transport of substances
to the photoreceptor cells. In order for Hg(2+) to
access photoreceptor cells, it must first be taken up by the RPE, possibly by
mechanisms involving transporters of essential nutrients. In other epithelia, Hg(2+), when conjugated to cysteine
(Cys) or homocysteine (Hcy), gains access to the intracellular compartment of the
target cells via amino acid and organic anion transporters. Accordingly, the
purpose of the current study was to test the hypothesis that Cys and Hcy S-conjugates of Hg(2+) utilize amino acid transporters to gain access into
RPE cells. Time- and temperature-dependence, saturation kinetics, and
substrate-specificity of the transport of Hg(2+), was assessed in ARPE-19 cells
exposed to the following S-conjugates of Hg(2+): Cys
(Cys-S-Hg-S-Cys), Hcy (Hcy-S-Hg-S-Hcy), N-acetylcysteine
(NAC-S-Hg-S-NAC) or glutathione (GSH-S-Hg-S-GSH). We discovered that only Cys-S-Hg-S-Cys and Hcy-S-Hg-S-Hcy were taken up by
these cells. This transport was Na(+)-dependent and
was inhibited by neutral and cationic amino acids. RT-PCR analyses identified
systems B(0,+) and ASC in ARPE-19 cells. Overall, our
data suggest that Cys-S-Hg-S-Cys
and Hcy-S-Hg-S-Hcy are
taken up into ARPE-19 cells by Na-dependent amino acid transporters, possibly
systems B(0,+) and ASC. These amino acid transporters
may play a role in the retinal toxicity observed following exposure to mercury.
Transport of thiol-conjugates
of inorganic mercury in human retinal pigment epithelial cells, Bridges CC, Battle JR, Zalups RK.
Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2007 Jun 1;221(2):251-60. Epub 2007 Mar 23
Division of Basic Medical Sciences, Mercer
University School of Medicine, Macon, GA 31207, USA.
Inorganic mercury (Hg(2+))
is a prevalent environmental contaminant to which exposure to can damage rod
photoreceptor cells and compromise scotopic vision.
The retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) likely plays a role in the ocular toxicity
associated with Hg(2+) exposure in that it mediates
transport of substances to the photoreceptor cells. In order for Hg(2+) to access photoreceptor cells, it must first be taken
up by the RPE, possibly by mechanisms involving transporters of essential
nutrients. In other epithelia, Hg(2+), when conjugated
to cysteine (Cys) or homocysteine (Hcy), gains access
to the intracellular compartment of the target cells via amino acid and organic
anion transporters. Accordingly, the purpose of the current study was to test
the hypothesis that Cys and Hcy
S-conjugates of Hg(2+) utilize amino acid transporters
to gain access into RPE cells. Time- and temperature-dependence, saturation
kinetics, and substrate-specificity of the transport of Hg(2+), was assessed in
ARPE-19 cells exposed to the following S-conjugates of Hg(2+): Cys (Cys-S-Hg-S-Cys), Hcy (Hcy-S-Hg-S-Hcy), N-acetylcysteine
(NAC-S-Hg-S-NAC) or glutathione (GSH-S-Hg-S-GSH). We discovered that only Cys-S-Hg-S-Cys and Hcy-S-Hg-S-Hcy were taken up by
these cells. This transport was Na(+)-dependent and
was inhibited by neutral and cationic amino acids. RT-PCR analyses identified
systems B(0,+) and ASC in ARPE-19 cells. Overall, our
data suggest that Cys-S-Hg-S-Cys
and Hcy-S-Hg-S-Hcy are
taken up into ARPE-19 cells by Na-dependent amino acid transporters, possibly
systems B(0,+) and ASC. These amino acid transporters
may play a role in the retinal toxicity observed following exposure to mercury.
Homocysteine, system b0,+
and the renal epithelial transport and toxicity of inorganic mercury, Bridges CC, Zalups RK. Am J Pathol. 2004 Oct;165(4):1385-94
Mercer University School of Medicine,
Division of Basic Medical Sciences, 1550 College St., Macon, GA 31207, USA.
Proximal tubular epithelial cells are major
sites of homocysteine (Hcy)
metabolism and are the primary sites for the accumulation and intoxication of
inorganic mercury (Hg(2+)). Previous in vivo data from
our laboratory have demonstrated that mercuric conjugates of Hcy are transported into these cells by unknown mechanisms.
Recently, we established that the mercuric conjugate of cysteine
acid; Cys-S-Hg-S-Cys], is
transported by the luminal, amino acid transporter, system b(0,+). As Cys-S-Hg-S-Cys and the mercuric
conjugate of Hcy
acid; Hcy-S-Hg-S-Hcy) are
similar structurally, we hypothesized that Hcy-S-Hg-S-Hcy is a substrate for system b(0,+). To test this
hypothesis, we analyzed the saturation kinetics, time dependence, temperature
dependence, and substrate specificity of Hcy-S-Hg-S-Hcy transport in Madin-Darby
canine kidney (MDCK) cells stably transfected with
system b(0,+). MDCK cells are good models in which to
study this transport because they do not express system b(0,+).
Uptake of Hg(2+) was twofold greater in the transfectants than in wild-type cells. Moreover, the transfectants were more susceptible to the toxic effects of
Hcy-S-Hg-S-Hcy than wild-type
cells. Accordingly, our data indicate that Hcy-S-Hg-S-Hcy is transported by system b(0,+)
and that this transporter likely plays a role in the nephropathy induced after
exposure to Hg(2+). These data are the first to implicate a specific, luminal
membrane transporter in the uptake and toxicity of mercuric conjugates of Hcy in any epithelial cell.
(mercury accumulates in cornea endothelial cells and causes
oxidative damage resulting in cataracts, etc.)
Methylmercury in seafood may cause lens
clouding, contributing to cataract development. Optometrist Ben Lane noted that
his cataract patients liked seafood, while those who didn't like fish were
clear-eyed. A study of 17 patients revealed that the cataract patients had
eaten salt water fish or shellfish at least once a week on the average, but
those cataract-free reported using these foods an average of once every five
weeks. The cataract patients showed far higher concentrations of mercury in
their hair. Dr. Lane's study showed that the presence of 2.3 ppm or more of mercury in hair samples was related to a
23-fold increase in the risk of cataracts. Dr. Lane encourages his patients to
eat such foods as garlic and pectin-rich foods such as apples to help remove
the mercury, and to receive adequate, while avoiding excessive, amounts of
vitamins A, C, and E.
Dr, Ben
Lane, O.D., Methylmercury in seafood contributes to
cataract development, Medical World News, December 20, 1982
I would
look into the possibility of mercury poisoning which is capable of causing both
cataracts and light sensitivity. (So are other things.) I have seen many babies
born with mercury poisoning (further exacerbated by the mercury in
vaccinations.) from their mother's dental amalgams. I would get a Hair Mineral
Analysis right away. Good luck.Steve
Rochlitzrochlitz@wellatlast.com ******************************************************
reversal through mercury detox www.digitalnaturopath.com/treat/T33633.html
AND excretion are required for mercury detoxification. Consuming foods high in
sulfur such as garlic, onions, beans, and eggs or supplemental sulfur in the
form of MSM can help move mercury around but it is only bound loosely and
caution is advised. There have been reported cases of reversible cataract development from individuals mobilizing mercury
without excreting it. Consult a qualified doctor for a detoxification
protocol appropriate for you.
Alan Thal, MD
eye drops (n-acetylcarnosine) have been documented to
prevent and sometimes reverse cataracts (such as Can C drops).
Rudolph CJ, Samuels RT, McDanagh EW. Cheraskin E. Visual Field Evidence of Macular Degeneration
Reversal Using a Combination of EDTA Chelation
and Multiple Vitamin and Trace Mineral Therapy.In: Cranton EM, ed. A Textbook on EDTA Chelation
Therapy, Second Edition. Charlottesville, Virginia: Hampton Roads
Publishing Company; 2001
Dr. G. E. Poesnecker, Its
Only Natural, 2001, http://www.oneflesh.org/only‑22.html
Disorders that Chelation
Can Help
Following is a
list of conditions successfully treated
by chelation that has been assembled by
physicians who did much of the early research work. Many of these problems are
common and are generally considered incurable: scleroderma; digitalis intoxication;
heavy-metal poisoning (especially acute plumbism); calcinosis (pipestem calcinosis of the vessels, prostatic calcinosis);
vascular atheromatous disorders including
atherosclerosis, atheromatous deposits,
arteriosclerosis obliterans, peripheral vascular
insufficiency with intermittent claudication, and
acute brain syndrome secondary to cerebral ischemia secondary to calcific atherosclerosis; myocardial or coronary
insufficiency; collagenosis; arteriosclerosis
including cerebrovascular arteriosclerosis; arthritis
including hypertrophic and rheumatoid; calcific tendinosis; calculi; diabetic retinopathy; multiple
sclerosis; macular degeneration of the retina; cataracts; Parkinsonism;
emphysema; poisonous snake and insect bites; calcified necrotic ulcers; heart
valve calcification; hemochromatosis; calcific bursitis; calcified granulomas;
and hypertension.
Mercury accumulates in the uvea and
retina of the eye.
Khayat A, Dencker
L. Whole body and liver distribution of inhaled mercury vapor in the mouse:
influence of ethanol and aminotriazole pretreatment.
J Appl Toxicol.
1983 Apr;3(2):66-74
Inorganic mercury has been found to be associated with cataract formation.Hachet E.
Bull Soc Ophtalmol Fr. 1985 Nov;Spec No:87-107. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Dr.
Victoria Buntine, Mercury Effects, Healthinasia
Incorporated, 2001www.healthinasia.com/mercury.html
The problem with mercury
is that it
affects our nervous system. Mercury accumulates in what we call end organs,
like kidneys, brain, thyroid and eyes, and this is why it is detected on hair
analysis It may contribute to cataracts,
headaches, numbness and tingling, irritability, joint pain and autism in kids,
as well as chronic fatigue syndrome and general allergies. *******************************************************
Dr. D.A. Carroll, O.D.&
Dr. B.C. Lane, Preventing mercury
related cataracts,
Vitamin C also helps to pull out the
toxic mercury that results from the consumption of
large fish, such as tuna, swordfish and shark. Dr. Lane said that his 1982
study found that mercury, which would
accumulate in the crystalline lens, resulted in the depression of enzymes such
as superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase.
The latter is the primary enzyme that helps prevent mercury cataracts from
forming. 'Organic mercury is the worst offender because it's able to
penetrate membranes and get into organic tissues,' he said.
Cavalleri A, Belotti
L, Gobba FM, Luzzana G,
Rosa P & Seghizzi P. Colour vision
loss in workers exposed to elemental mercury vapour. Toxicology Letters 77(1‑3):351‑356
ABSTRACT: "We evaluated colour
vision in 33 workers exposed to elemental mercury (Hg) vapour
and in 33 referents matched for sex age, alcohol consumption and cigarette
smoking. The results were expressed as colour
confusion index (CCI). In the workers urinary excretion of Hg (HgU) ranged
from 28 to 287 ug/g
creatinine. Subclinical colour
vision loss, mainly in the blue‑yellow range, was observed in the
workers. This effect was related to exposure, as indicated by the correlation
between HgU and CCI (r=0.488, P<0.001).
& Urban P, Gobba F, Nerudova J, Lukas E, Cabelkova Z, Cikrt M,.Color Discrimination
Impairment in Workers Exposed to Mercury Vapor. Neurotoxicology. 2003 Aug;24(4-5):711-716;
If you want to know something about
retinitis pigmentosa (or retinopathia pigmentosa)
and mercury poisoning,
you should read the following two
1. Olynyk
F, Sharpe DH: Mercury poisoning in paper pica. (retinitis
N Engl
J Med 1982 Apr 29;306(17):1056‑1057
2. Uchino M, Tanaka Y,
Ando Y, Yonehara T, Hara A, Mishima
I, Okajima T,
Ando M: Neurologic features of
chronic minamata disease (organic mercury poisoning) and incidence of
complications with aging. J Environ Sci Health B 1995 Sep;30(5):699‑715
Also: Arch Ophthalmol 1990 Jan;108(1):113‑117
Distributions of elements in the human retinal pigment epithelium.
Ulshafer RJ, Allen CB, Rubin ML
Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Univ. of
Florida, Gainesville 32610.
Distributions of elements above the atomic number of sodium were mapped
in the retinal pigment epithelia of eight human eyes. X‑ray energy
spectra and maps were collected from cryofixed, freeze‑dried, and epoxy‑embedded
tissues using energy‑dispersive x‑ray microanalysis. All eyes had
high concentrations of phosphorus in the nuclei of retinal pigment epithelial
cells. Melanosomes were rich in sulfur, zinc,
calcium, and iron. Lipofuscin and cytoplasm contained
only phosphorus and sulfur in detectable amounts. Drusen,
when present, contained phosphorus and calcium. Six eyes had a prominent
aluminum peak recorded from melanosomes, nuclei, and
Bruch's membrane. In one pair of 90‑year‑old eyes, small, electron‑dense
surrounded many melanosomes
and contained mercury and selenium. Retinal pigment epithelial melanosomes may bind and accumulate metals and
other potentially toxic ions over time,
preventing them from reaching the neural retina.
Journal of Environmental Science and
Health Part B Pesticides Food Contaminants and Agricultural Wastes 30(5):
699-715. 1995
Abstract: Tessier‑Lavigne M, Mobbs P,
Attwell D, Invest Ophthalmol
Vis Sci 1985 Aug;26(8):1117‑1123 “Lead and
mercury toxicity and the rod light response”.
Lead and mercury have been reported to alter selectively the rod
component of the electroretinogram, and to inhibit
the phosphodiesterase in rod outer segments which may
be responsible for generating the rods' light response. The authors have
investigated the effect of lead and mercury on the voltage response to light of
rods, and compared these effects with those of the phosphodiesterase
inhibitor papaverine. Lead and
mercury, like papaverine, slow the light response.
In addition, papaverine increases the light response
amplitude while lead decreases it. Mercury initially increases and then
decreases the amplitude. The late decrease in amplitude “produced by mercury is associated with rod degeneration”: an effect which may mimic degenerative
diseases in which the rod phosphodiesterase is
insufficiently active. These results demonstrate that the changes of electroretinogram induced by lead and mercury can be
accounted for by the changes in receptor potential these heavy metals produce.
The changes in receptor potential seen are consistent with mercury inhibiting
the rod phosphodiesterase, and with lead having an
action in addition to phosphodiesterase inhibition.
PMID: 2991162, UI: 85260515
God Zb Med Fak
Skopje 1978;24:289‑291
[Changes in the crystalline lens of the eye in workers
occupationally exposed to mercury vapors].
[Article in Serbo‑Croatian (Cyrillic)]
Delivanova S, Popovski
P, Orusev T
PMID: 757176, UI: 80092857
“Effect of the ophthalmic preservative thimerosal on human and rabbit corneal
Van Horn DL, Edelhauser HF, Prodanovich G, Eiferman R,
Pederson HF
Widespread use of the mercurial‑containing preservative
thimerosal as an antibacterial agent in ophthalmic drugs and solutions
warranted an investigation into its possible cytotoxic
effects on the functional and ultrastructural
integrity of the corneal endothelium. No changes in corneal thickness were
observed during 5 hours' perfusion of the endothelium of rabbit and human corneas with 0.0001
and 0.0005 percent thimerosal in
glutathione bicarbonate Ringer's solution (GBR). Scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron
microscopy (TEM) of the endothelium of the 0.0001 percent group revealed normal
ultrastructure. SEM and TEM of the endothelium of
corneas perfused with 0.0005 percent thimerosal for 5
hours revealed condensed mitochondria, cytoplasmic
vacuoles, and cytoplasmic flaps at the apical end of
the cellular junctions.
Perfusion of higher concentrations (0.001 and 0.005 perecnt)
of thimerosal
in GBR resulted in increases in corneal thickness after 2 hours
irreversible ultrastructural damage to the
endothelial cells by 5 hours. Corneas perfused with
0.01 and 0.1 percent thimerosal in GBR showed a rapid and immediate increase in
corneal thickness and endothelial cell death and necrosis within 1 hour. It is
postulated that the mercury in thimerosal
bound to the cell membrane protein sulfhydryl groups,
causing an
increase in cellular permeability; These
results suggest that the prolonged exposure of the corneal endothelium to
thimerosal in the accepted antimicrobial dosage of 0.005 to 0.001 percent may
result in functional and “structural damage to the endothelium”. *
PMID: 844986, UI: 77140310
LK, Wood IS, Spencer WH, Hayes TL. A clinical pathologic study of mercurlalentis
medicamentosus. Trans Am Ophthalmol
Soc 1977;74:295‑320
Thirty‑one patients who used eye drops containing the
preservative, phenylmercuric nitrate for from 3 to 15
years, developed a brownish pigmentation of the
anterior capsule of the pupillary
area. Light and electron microscopic
studies on two lenses demonstrated deposits of
dense particulate material
resembling melanin pigment on and in the anterior
capsule of the lens in
the area of the pupil. Special studies,
including electron microprobe
analysis and neutron activation analysis
established the presence of mercury in a lens with mercurialentis.
No mercury was found in two lenses used as controls.
PMID: 867632, UI: 77196922
CL; Kohler, H; Kirkpatrick, CJ.
Adhesion and Activation of Polymorphonuclear Neutrophil Granulocytes to Endothelial Cells under Heavy
Metal Exposure in Vitro.
Pathobiology. 62(2):90‑98, 1994.
ABSTRACT: Heavy metals have
been implicated in the mechanisms of endothelial damage. Influences of heavy
metal ions on diverse cell types have been studied using a variety of in vitro
and in vivo methods. Polymorphonuclear neutrophil granulocytes (PMNs) have physiological and
pathological functions, including the modulation of adhesion to and destruction of endothelial cells
PMNs were studied during interaction with human umbilical vein ECs
under exposure to zinc, nickel and cobalt using an in vitro model. We studied
adhesion processes with the help of a computer‑controlled image‑analyzing
system and examined the activation of PMNs by quantification of leukotriene
B4 (LTB4) release. The biphasic
effects of the valuated heavy metals on PMN‑EC adhesion, with stimulation
at very high and very low molar concentrations, were observed. The release of LTB4 by PMNs increased during
exposure to very low metal concentrations. The initiation of these important pathogenetic mechanisms of inflammation at very low metal
ion concentrations, which give no
morphologic changes, must be regarded as
potentially significant with respect to the toxic effects of heavy metals. BIO‑PROBE COMMENT: Damage to the inner
lining of blood vessels (endothelium)
is widely regarded to be the initial step
in the disease process that leads to cardiovascular disease. Although mercury
was not included in this study, it is a heavy metal that has previously been
shown to cause endothelial damage. The three metals examined in this study
nickel, cobalt and zinc)
are all used in dental restorative
materials. Research, published in peer‑reviewed dental journals, has
demonstrated the release and bioavailability of nickel (and mercury).
Cardiovascular disease has become widespread only since the 1920's, about the
time of increased use of heavy metals in dental
therapy and long after humans consumed eggs,
meat, milk, butter and cheese.(other studies documenting mercury damage to is
available on the web: use EXCITE search engine or MEDLINE http:///www.nlm.nih.gov/)
Exp Eye Res 1993 Nov;57(5):549‑555
Low levels of inorganic mercury damage the corneal endothelium.
Sillman AJ, Weidner WJ
Section of Animal Physiology, University of California,
Davis 95616.
The effect of inorganic mercury on the integrity of the
endothelium of isolated bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) corneas was
examined by spectrophotometric analysis of corneal
uptake of the vital stain Janus green, and by both transmission (TEM) and scanning (SEM)
electron microscopy. The uptake of
Janus green by the endothelium is dose related between 1.0 and
30.0 microM HgCl2. The effect of
mercury is not altered by changes in external calcium concentration, nor is it
influenced by the calcium ionophore A23187,
indicating that inorganic mercury damages the corneal endothelium through a
mechanism which does not involve competition with external calcium or interaction with
calcium channels. TEM and SEM demonstrate significant ultrastructural
damage to the endothelium exposed to inorganic mercury, including cellular swelling, increased
vacuolization, focal denuding of
Descemet's membrane, and
diminished integrity at the intercellular junctions.
PMID: 8282041, UI: 94109509
TA, Tahti H.
Effects of mercuric chloride exposure on the glutamate uptake by cultured retinal
pigment epithelial cells. Toxicol In Vitro 2001 Feb;15(1):7‑12
Tampere University Medical School, FIN‑33014 University of
Tampere, Finland.
The cytotoxicity of mercuric chloride and the effects of
mercuric chloride on glutamate and
calcium uptake and the factors regulating glutamate uptake were studied
in retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)
cell cultures. RPE cells isolated from pig eyes and human RPE cell line (D407) cells were cultured to confluency and further subcultured
according to the test protocol in question. The cytotoxicity
caused by 15 min of exposure to mercuric chloride (0.01‑‑1000 microM) was evaluated by WST‑1 assay based on the
activity of mitochondrial
dehydrogenases. [(3)H]Glutamate
uptake was measured after the cells were exposed to 0.1‑‑100 microM mercuric chloride and the selected regulators of
protein kinase C (PKC) pathway: PKC activator SC10, PKC inhibitor chelerythrine chloride, phospholipase
A(2)/C inhibitor manoalide,
tyrosine kinase inhibitor lavendustin
A, competitive NMDA receptor antagonist
AP7 and IP(3) receptor antagonist heparin. Intracellular calcium was monitored with Fluo‑3
probe starting immediately after the exposure to 1‑‑1000 microM mercuric chloride.
Mercuric chloride showed concentration‑dependent effects on cell
viability, on glutamate uptake and on
intracellular calcium concentration. The results give some support to the concept that
glutamate uptake is affected by PKC. The PKC inhibitor chelerythrine
chloride decreased glutamate uptake by
25%, but the PKC activator SC10 could partly prevent the inhibitory effect of mercuric chloride. Lavendustin A, manoalide and
heparin had smaller, but statistically
significant, effects. All these substances act on mediators which can
regulate the activity of
PKC. However, PKC is not likely to be the only regulator of
glutamate uptake. The rise
observed in [Ca(2+)](i)
may initiate various cellular events during mercury intoxication.
Hum Toxicol 1987 May;6(3):253‑256
and early postnatal intoxication by inorganic mercury
resulting from the maternal use of mercury containing soap.
Lauwerys R, Bonnier C, Evrard P, Gennart JP, Bernard A.
A case of
slight renal tubular dysfunction associated with cataract and anaemia was diagnosed in a 3‑month‑old black boy
in whom high levels of mercury were found in blood and urine. Several arguments suggest that the renal,
ocular and haematological defects may have resulted from
exposure to mercury during foetal life and the 1‑month
lactation period due to the extensive
use of inorganic mercury containing cosmetics by the mother.
1: Bull Soc Belge Ophtalmol
[Cataract of toxic origin(mercury)] [Article in French]
Michiels J.
Bull Soc Ophtalmol Fr 1985 Nov;Cataracts:87‑107
in French]
Hachet E.
Oftalmol Zh 1974;29(7):501‑503
[Eye manifestations of chronic mercury poisoning].
in Russian]
Fomicheva IV.
Bull Environ Contam Toxicol
1991 Feb;46(2):230‑236
Inhibition of corneal epithelial cell migration by cadmium
and mercury.
Ubels JL, Osgood TB
Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory, Salsbury Cove, Maine 04672.
PMID: 2018869, UI: 91208463
CL; Kohler, H; Kirkpatrick, CJ.
Increased Adhesion and
Activation of Polymorphonuclear Neutrophil Granulocytes to Endothelial
Cells under Heavy Metal Exposure in Vitro.
62(2):90‑98, 1994.
ABSTRACT: Heavy metals have
been implicated in the mechanisms of endothelial damage. Influences of heavy
metal ions on diverse cell types have been studied using a variety of in vitro
and in vivo methods. Polymorphonuclear neutrophil granulocytes (PMNs) have physiological and
pathological functions, including the modulation of adhesion to and destruction
of endothelial cells (ECs).
PMNs were studied during interaction with human umbilical vein ECs
under exposure to zinc, nickel and cobalt using an in vitro model. We studied
adhesion processes with the help of a computer‑controlled image‑analyzing
system and examined the activation of PMNs by quantification of leukotriene
B4 (LTB4) release. The biphasic
effects of the valuated heavy metals on PMN‑EC adhesion, with stimulation
at very high and very low molar concentrations, were observed. The release of LTB4 by PMNs increased during
exposure to very low metal concentrations. The initiation of these important pathogenetic mechanisms of inflammation at very low metal
ion concentrations, which give no
morphologic changes, must be regarded as
potentially significant with respect to the toxic effects of heavy metals.
BIO‑PROBE COMMENT: Damage to the inner lining of blood
vessels (endothelium) is widely regarded to be the initial step in the disease
process that leads to cardiovascular disease. Although mercury was not included
in this study, it is a heavy metal that has previously been shown to cause
damage. The three metals examined in this
study nickel, cobalt and zinc) are all used in dental restorative materials.
Research, published in peer‑reviewed dental journals, has demonstrated
the release and bioavailability of nickel (and mercury). Cardiovascular disease
has become widespread only
since the 1920's, about the time of
increased use of heavy metals in dental therapy and long after humans consumed
eggs, meat, milk, butter and cheese.
Toxicology 1996 Mar 18;107(3):189‑200
Mercury accumulation in the squirrel monkey eye
after mercury vapour exposure.
Warfvinge K, Bruun A
Department of Ophthalmology, University Hospital of Lund, Sweden.
Squirrel monkeys were exposed to mercury vapour
at different concentrations and for different numbers of days. The calculated
total mercury absorption ranged between 1.4‑2.9 mg (range of daily
absorption 0.02‑0.04 mg). The monkeys were killed at different intervals
after the end of exposure (range 1 month ‑ 3 years) and the eyes were
enucleated. Eyes from four un‑exposed monkeys were used as control
material. Mapping of the mercury distribution in the eye revealed that the non‑myelin‑containing
portion of the optic disc was densely loaded with mercury deposits, which are
mostly confined to the capillary walls and the glial
columns. The white matter of the brain does not accumulate mercury at these
exposure levels, which might suggest that the myelinization
process inhibits the accumulation of mercury. The pigmented epithelium of the
pars plicata of the ciliary
body and of the retina contained a considerable amount of mercury. This finding
indicates that mercury is trapped within the melanocytes,
which keeps potentially dangerous material from reaching the neural retina. In
addition, the retinal capillary walls were densely loaded with mercury
deposits, even 3 years after exposure. It was also found that the inner layers
of the retina accumulated mercury during a 3‑year period. It is known
that the biological half‑time of mercury in the brain may exceed years.
This seems also to be the case for the ocular tissue.
PMID: 8604479, UI: 96180636
Toxicology 1988 Sep;51(1):67‑76
Enhanced electroretinogram in cats
induced by exposure to mercury acetate.
Gitter S, Pardo A, Kariv N, Yinon U
Institute for Occupational Health, Maurice and Gabriela Goldschleger Eye Research Institute, Chaim
Sheba Medical Center, Tel‑Hashomer, Israel.
The present study was undertaken in order to verify whether, and
how, retinal functions are affected by subacute
poisoning with organic mercury. Mercury
acetate in various concentrations (0.025‑0.25 mg/kg per day) was injected
subcutaneously every second day to adult cats (N = 20) throughout a 2.5‑4.0‑week
period. The electroretinogram (ERG) was recorded and
the Hg2+ concentrations in the blood were determined. In nearly 90% of the
intoxicated cats an enhanced electroretinogram (scotopic b‑wave amplitude)
was found as compared to its level in the normal control cats (N = 10). The
latency of the ERG was found to be appropriately shorter, up to a maximal
difference of nearly 20% in comparison to the controls. Hg2+ was present in the blood of the
exposed cats during a 2.5‑month period following the exposure. It is
concluded that exposure to mercury acetate
induces a permanent increase in the excitability level of the cat's
Toxicology 1983 Jan;26(1):1‑9
A cell aggregation model for the protective effect of selenium and
vitamin E on
methylmercury toxicity.
Kleinschuster SJ, Yoneyama
M, Sharma RP
Histotypic aggregation of embryonic neural
retinal cells was chosen as a test model to evaluate mercury toxicity. After 24
h rotational culture with methylmercury
(CH3HgCl) at 4 microM, aggregation was completely
inhibited. A dose‑response relationship between concentrations of methylmercury and final sizes of aggregates was found.
Selenium (Na2SeO3) at concentrations of 1, 3 and 5 microM
provided a protective effect for methylmercury (1 microM) toxicity. Vitamin E (DL‑alpha‑Tocopherol
acetate) at concentrations 5, 7 and 10 microM also
provided protection against the same concentration of methylmercury;
however, it was less effective than selenium. Histotypic
embryonal retinal cell aggregation may be a useful
assay system for in vitro neurotoxic studies in
PMID: 6829026, UI: 83147085
Science 1979 Oct 5;206(4414):78‑80
Heavy metals affect rod, but not cone, photoreceptors.
Fox DA, Sillman AJ
Low concentrations of lead, mercury, or cadmium depress the
amplitude of the rod receptor potential in the perfused
bullfrog retina. Responses from the cones were not affected. The data implicate
the rods as a lesion site in animals exhibiting scotopic
vision deficits as a result of heavy metal poisoning.
PMID: 314667, UI: 80014468
K.Warfvinge et al, "mercury accumulation in
the monkey eye after mercury vapour exposure. Toxicology, 1996, 107: 189‑200.
from vapor exposure accumulates over time in the various parts of the eye.
Kishimoto T, Ohno M, Yamabe S, Tada M
Methylmercury Injury of Cultured Human Vascular Endothelial Cells
Journal of Trace Elements in Experimental Medicine. 6(4):155‑162,
Abstract The
effect of methylmercury chloride (MeHg)
on cultured human vascular endothelial (HVE) cells was investigated.
Umbilical vein‑derived HVE
cells were collected by enzymatic digestion with collagenase.
At concentrations of 0‑50 mu M, MeHg had only
barely detectable effects on cell
viability. However, the viability of HVE cells decreased dose‑dependently
at concentrations >100 mu M.
examination by phase‑contrast microscopy revealed a markedly damaging
effect of MeHg at concentrations exceeding 500 mu M. The cytotoxic effect of MeHg on DNA synthesis was also concentration‑dependent.
These results suggest that HVE cells are susceptible to concentration‑dependent
MeHg cytotoxicity and that MeHg could induce vascular endothelial injury, which may be
involved in the pathogenesis of arteriosclerosis. (C) 1993 Wiley‑Liss,
Inc. [References: 34]
I have seen several
abstracts related to eye degeneration and mercury ,
due to my friends father's eye degeneration, I researched abstracts for my friend to give to his father. I do not have any of them handy yet
anymore, but I found 1‑2 from Sam Queen's Chronic Mercury Toxicity book(see anotated bibliog.) , and
I found quite a few more when I researched glutathione and lipoic
acid, in addition to mercury, and it has been proven that mercury depletes
glutathione and lipoate by binding to the thiols in these 2 as well as inhibiting various important
glutathione system enzymes.
I found the abstracts
from Medline, additionally, some where in the Life Extension Foundation
Magazine abstract sections, and the same can be found also from Medline. I am sorry that these days I do not have
enough time to go fetch the abstracts for you.
But, what I found from tbe abstracts, lipoate, NAC, GSH, E‑vitamin and C‑vitamin have
the greatest potential to be used as a protective treatment against mercury
also in all eye disease that are due to oxidative damage and thiol‑binding by mercury.
go to Medline at www.medscape.com, join them free, and
then seach with "mercury" and
"macular" or "lipoate" and
"macular" or "glutathione" and "macular" and
cross all the years down to 1980 at least, and you will fork many abstracst to read.
Hope this helps,Ray
From: "Amy L. Riskedahl,
O.D." <ariskedahl@seanet.com>
Subject: Re: Vision
Cataracts and macular degeneration are the two eye diseases most
attributed to oxidative damage. Cataracts can be taken out surgically but
often can't be helped. The progression
can be slowed with
large amounts of certain anti‑oxidants
such as lutein.
The macula is the part of
the eye that has the
highest number of cones and
thus the sharpest vision and the best color vision. Mercury and other things that cause oxidative
damage can damge the macula over time.
Generally what you do to
heal the body, heals the eye. Get rid of the mercury. Vit. C, Vit. E, essential fatty
acids, proanthocyanadins and several of the carotenoids
are things that have been proven to heal the eye. Keep the cardiovascular system healthy. The retinal artery is a branch off of the carotid artery so plaques thrown off the carotids can
cause strokes in the eye just as
they do in the brain.
Cavalleri A, Gobba
F. Reversible color
vision loss in occupational exposure to metallic mercury. Environ Res 1998 May;77(2):173‑7
Sezione di
Medicina Preventiva dei Lavoratori, Universita di Pavia, Pavia,
Color vision was
evaluated in twenty‑one mercury exposed workers and referents matched for
sex, age, tobacco smoking, and alcohol habits. The Lanthony
15 Hue desaturated panel (D‑15 d) was applied.
In the workers, mean urinary Hg (HgU) was 115+/‑61.5
microg/g creatinine; in all
but one the values exceeded the biological limit (BEI) proposed by the American
Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. A dose‑related subclinical color vision impairment
was observed in Hg‑exposed workers compared to the referents. Just after
the survey, working
conditions were improved. Twelve
months later the workers were reexamined. Mean HgU
was 10.0 microg/g creatinine and in no subjects was the BEI exceeded.
Color perception was significantly improved compared to the first examination
and, furthermore, no differences were observed between exposed workers and
referents. The results add evidence that the color vision loss observed during
the first part of the study was related to Hg exposure and, moreover, show that
this effect is reversible. These data indicate that metallic Hg can induce a
reversible impairment in color perception. This suggests that color vision
testing should be included in studies on the early effects of Hg. The
possibility of applying the D‑15 d as an early effect index in the
biological monitoring of Hg exposed workers should also be
entertained. Copyright 1998
I do not know of any direct science references tying mercury with
Macular Degeneration. However, from
indirect information there appears to be a connection.
Dr. Johnathon Wright and Alan Gaby have
developed a nutritional protocol that is quite
It is interesting to note that the nutrients are all those that mercury
reduces in the body. ie Taurine, Vit E, Selenium, and
Zinc. I am sure most ACAM physicians
would be happy to get the formula (if it isn't already included in their data)
and administer it. It is given by IV,
except the Vit E.
Sam Ziff
Myasthenia Gravis
Quite common with mercury poisoned, relates to antibodies against
acetylcholine receptors, mercury has major effects of impairing acetylcholine
metabolism and neural transmission, and bindind to
the receptors. Quite a few abstracts is available of
that, so the linking of myastenia gravis to the
changes mercury cause is not that great jump to make. I know numerous people
that had myastenic
symptoms, and continue to have from amalgams, I
am one of those, and Freya on the list has similar, and it was quite frequent
when I used to go to amalgam poisoned's meetings in
the early part of
the decade, we had meetings of up to 50 poisoned in Tampere
Finland and even more in Helsinki, and discussed diagnosises
and symptoms each had from amalgams, and myastenia
was one fairly common in addition to MS/ALS , autoimmunities, thyroid, prostata,
liver, kidney, fibromyalgia, chronic fatique and
various other symptoms/ conditions resulting or contributed by the mercury and
copper leaking from the amalgams en masse.
Ray Sarela
Washington University Medical School
>(another source of eye mercury
& eye problems)
> Mercury is still used in eye makeup as a preservative. From
the FDA site:
> http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cos-hdb3.html
> Mercury compounds (21 CFR 700.13).
> The use of mercury compounds as cosmetic ingredients is
limited to eye
> area cosmetics at concentrations not
exceeding 65 parts per million
> (0.0065%) of mercury calculated as the metal (about 100 ppm or 0.01%
> phenylmercuric acetate or nitrate)
and provided no other effective and
> safe preservative is available for
> Mercury compounds are readily absorbed through the skin on
> application and have the tendency to
accumulate in the body. They may
> cause allergic reactions, skin irritation, or neurotoxic
> manifestations.
> List members may be interested to note that information on
this subject
was published in the American Journal of Clinical Pathology in 1973 (Vol. 59,
> 515-7) by my colleagues in the Department of Forensic
Medicine, University
> of Glasgow, Scotland following
research in Africa.
> It is surprising that such a toxic metal should continue to
be used in
> cosmetics.
> Ian Dale
> Occupational Hygienist
> Glasgow Occupational Health
„Conjunctivitis sicca“ or „dry eye study“
_ Conjunctivitis sicca (dry eyes) is a major
health problem for about 4 million people in Germany.
The „dry eye study“ with 36 patients has
shown that people with heavy metals like amalgam or palladium used in their
goldcrowns often have fungi in the large intestine and also food allergies.
Patients which have been treated had very good results. Other visual problems
(spectacles) have shown to be highly correlated with the number of amalgam
fillings as well.
Marburg Amalgam Study. (there also is a
published version)
"Dr.B. Weber, Amalgaminformation Marburg,
Information about treatment of 3000 patients with amalgam‑problems
in german and englisch
Dr. D.A. Carroll, O.D.&
Dr. B.C. Lane, Preventing mercury
related cataracts,
www.medicalvisioncenter.com/prevention.html; & Alan Thal, MD, Cataract reversal through mercury detox,
www.digitalnaturopath.com/treat/T33633.html; & Dr, Ben Lane,
O.D., Methylmercury in seafood contributes to
cataract development, Medical World News, December 20, 1982; &
Dr. Victoria Buntine, Mercury Effects, Healthinasia
Incorporated, 2001, www.healthinasia.com/mercury.html,
& Dr. G. E. Poesnecker,
Its Only Natural, 2001, www.oneflesh.org/only‑22.html;
Inflammation of the Eye, (autoimmune condition, can be caused by
Syphilitic iritis
after treatment with mercury common; likewise use of thimerosal
Photophobia often
accompanies mercury poisoning, http://www.causeof.org/sensitivity.htm#TreatIritis
Astaxanthin, a natural supplement has been
documented to relieve eye fatigue and improve visual acuity and accommodative
amplitude. Reduces inflammation.
Life Extension Foundation Life Extension Jan 2009
Mercury ‑ inorganic
òToxicity òElemental metal òUsually
airborne exposure òOften produces neural disease
without systemic disorders òSalts: GI absorption òProduce systemic & neural effects Organic mercurials: Methyl mercury òLittle
peripheral nerve toxic toxicity òEarly paresthesias & ataxia related to CNS effects òConverted from inorganic mercury by microorganisms òThen enters food chain Outbreaks of toxicity
Minimata Bay: Spillage of HgCl
into sea òIraq: Ethyl Hg fungicide in grain used for
baking bread òSubacute: Metallic mercury vapor òNeuropathy òMotor òAxonal òMyokymia ò
Encephalopathy òOther: Mouth
inflammation; GI; Fetid breath òChronic ò
CNS: Encephalopathy; Psychosis; Extrapyramidal;
Ataxia òNeuropathy:
Sensory & Motor; Pain & paresthesias
Children: Acrodynia òEncephalopathy
òAutonomic: Tachycardia; Hypertension;
Sweating on trunk òInsomnia; Weight
loss; Constipation
òDiagnosis: 24 hour urinary excretion òInorganic
toxicity only ò
Treatment: ?Chelation;
Optic Nerve & Eye
òAtaxias òFriedreich òMitochondrial
‑ NARP Syndrome: (Neuropathy; Ataxia; Retinitis Pigmentosa)
òPosterior column ataxia + Retinitis pigmentosa òHMSN VI òToxic òCarbon disulfide òDisulfiram òMercury (Hg) òNutrition: Cuban neuropathy òVernant's
3. Cerebellum
òA‑beta‑lipoproteinemia òAtaxia telangectasia
òFriedreich Ataxia ò
Paraneoplastic: Hu; CV2 òInfantile Onset Spinocerebellar
Ataxia (IOSCA) òMetachromatic Leukodystrophy
òRefsum òSCA 2, 3, 4
4. Supratentorial òHereditary
òCowchock Syndrome òFabry's
òHexosaminidase A (Late Onset) òMulti‑Infarct
Dementia (CADASIL) òPorphyria òPrion
protein (PrP27‑30)
mutation: Glu200Lys òPolyglucosan
body syndromes òFamilial ALS: Higher prevalence of
dementia (~15%) than sporadic ALS òInfections òHIV òLyme disease òRabies òSyphilis òInflammatory & Immune òSarcoid
òVasculitis òMetabolic òThyroid òVitamin B12 deficiency òHypophosphatemia òMitochondrial:
òMELAS (Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathy;
Lactic Acidosis; Stroke)
òMERRF (Myoclonic Epilepsy; Ragged Red Fibers
òMNGIE Syndrome (Myopathy and external ophthalmoplegia; Neuropathy; Gastro‑Intestinal;
Encephalopathy) òMotor neuron disorders with dementia
(Sporadic) òWestern Pacific ALS òFrontal Dementia followed by motor system disease òUpper motor neuron: Especially bulbar òLower
motor neuron: Fasciculations; Less prominent weakness
ò? Atypical Creutzfeld‑Jacob syndromes òNeoplastic: Lymphoma (angiotropic
large‑cell); Carcinomatous
meningitis òParaneoplastic (anti‑Hu)
òToxic: Alcohol; Anticholinergic;
Arsenic; Lead; Mercury; Podophyllin; Thallium; Vacor
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